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IEI Technology Corp. (IEI), the global industrial computing innovator, announced the launch of the NANO-CV-D25502/N26002, an EPIC SBC which supports the Intel® Atom™ D2550 or N2600 dual-core processor and DDR3 memory up to 4GB. The NANO-CV-D25502/N26002 features wide range 9V ~ 28V DC input and supports PCIe Mini card slot compatible with mSATA SSD storage.

NANO-CV-D25502/N26002 is the first IEI EPIC board to be implemented with an enclosure heatsink for easy fanless assembly solution. Most of the heat will be spread to by the whole system surface. The NANO-CV-D25502/N26002 includes two VGA connectors and one 18/24-bit single channel LVDS connector supporting dual-display configuration. Its outstanding fanless solution and dual display function are especially ideal for automation embedded system and defense applications.
All IEI Intel® Atom™ series SBCs include IEI’s unique One Key Recovery software. The software eliminates the frustration of system recovery after unexpected system failure. One Key Recovery is an easy way to create full system backup on demand and system restoration to a previously made backup with a single click.

About IEI Technology Corp. 
IEI Technology Corp. is a leading industrial computer provider. IEI provides products for computer-based applications such as factory automation, computer telephony integration, networking, security, IT systems, communication base stations, medical devices and kiosks,Panel pC , Embedded pc . IEI serves industries such as national defense, police administration and transportation. IEI continues to promote its own brand of products in addition to serving ODM vertical markets with complete and professional service.

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前兩天石頭的帖子“SEO是狗屎還是科學”里面,提到了一個最近很有名的SEO案例,Jason對SEO提出置疑,認為是狗屎。SEO Neil Patel跳出來挑戰,給出SEO建議,看流量會有什么變化。在這些SEO建議實施了10%后,Jason博客的搜索流量增加了20%以上。




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3.5" SBC with Intel® Atom™ Z530P/ Z510P 1.6GHz, 24bit+48bit Dual LVDS, GbE, CF I, USB, SATA



About IEI Technology Corp. IEI Technology Corp. is a leadingindustrial computer provider. IEI provides products for computer-based applications such as factory automation, computer telephony integration, networking, security, IT systems, communication base stations, medical devices and kiosks,Panel pc , Embedded pc . IEI serves industries such as national defense, police administration and transportation. IEI continues to promote its own brand of products in addition to serving ODM vertical markets with complete and professional service.

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 石原為了完成這個計畫,為了把自己寄託在這部電影裡的想法傳達給觀眾,她一直到處蒐集各種能幫助她的要素,例如,她在電影裡加入方言 這樣的創意,並創造出許多有趣又奇特的角色,結過組成一組有魅力又特別的演員卡司。
 石原就是擁有這樣堅決邁向自己目標的「目標力」,才能在企畫開始到電影上映之間長達一年的時間 ,當中,凝聚起那麼多人的力量,將所有人的智慧和想法都導向她所希望的目標,一起發揮出團隊的力量,製作出那麼大的活動,最後獲得那麼大的成功 。

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主機對網站的搜索引擎排名影響很大。在尋找主機提供商的時候,千萬不要只考慮價格因素。假如你多次向 Google 提交網站,但 Google 卻一直沒有對其進行索引,則有可能是網站所在的伺服器出了問題。因此選擇伺服器時要非凡注重以下幾點:

1、避免使用免費主機:由于免費主機里面經常會出現 Spammers、鏡像網站、橋頁等“搜索引擎垃圾”,很多搜索引擎都不愿意索引免費主機上的網站;同時搜索引擎目錄如 Yahoo 也很難收錄來自免費主機的商業站點。此外,免費主機的服務很難保證,經常伺服器超載,速度奇慢,宕機頻繁,甚至關閉服務,這都會直接影響網站排名。

2、選擇有信譽的主機提供商:搜索引擎的索引程序定期或不定期地來訪問收錄的網站。對經常更新的網站,Google 的 Googlebot 漫游器——俗稱“蜘蛛”,一般天天都會小幅度地“爬”一下,一個月進行一次大的索引。假如蜘蛛在索引時出現網頁打不開或下載速度緩慢,則放棄索引。所以你的網站在任何時候都要正常工作,以博取蜘蛛的歡心。這就要求網站存放的主機系統提供快速、穩定、安全的服務,最好有 24 小時客服支持和維護,保證你的網站 快速、可靠、穩定地運行。


假如你想轉移網站的主機服務,要在取消原來的服務提供商之前,先找好新的供給商。先在新的服務商處開個帳號,確保所有的文件都正確無誤地傳到新伺服器上。網站在新伺服器上運行無礙后再聯系你的原供給商,告知對方將終止合作,但確保他們不會馬上關你的網站。再聯系你的域名注冊商(可能是原主機提供商),變更域名伺服器(DNS)。域名伺服器的功能就是把你的域名解析成計算機能夠識別的 IP 地址。把舊的域名伺服器改成新的,這個過程到生效時間大概 24-48 小時之內,少數情況下可能要 72 小時。這期間,假如一個搜索引擎剛好來抓你的網頁,要么抓到舊的 IP 地址上的網站,要么抓到新的域名解析生效后的網站,總之都不會出現網站打不開的空檔。根據潛在客戶或目標用戶在搜索引擎中找到你的網站時輸入的語句,產生了要害字 (Keywords)的概念,這不僅是搜索引擎優化的核心,也是整個搜索引擎營銷都必須圍繞的核心。






毋用單一詞匯,而是在單一詞匯基礎上進行擴展,如:營銷→網絡營銷→網絡營銷治理。英文要害詞可以采用搜索引擎 overture 的聞名工具 Keyword Suggestion Tool 對這些要害詞組進行檢測,可查看你的要害詞在過去 24 小時內被搜索的頻率,最好的要害詞是那些沒有被廣泛濫用而又很多人搜索的詞。中文工具可以通過百度的“相關搜索”和 Google 提供的KeywordSandbox 工具進行要害詞匹配和擴展。

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倫敦奧運前在國訓中心訓練時,確認體驗到一種無力感,有時你想為喜歡的隊伍多努力一些什麼的時候, 但自己的實力與能力及條件卻偏偏不是那花上刀口上的刀口,會憤怒、會不平、會無可奈何的煩躁與焦急,但在到達只有認命的那面平靜的彼端時,以被不知多少句:「說話前要先經過腦袋想一想」的尷尬、羞辱的感受給淹埋在一整片默默無聞而又被做上記號的檔案裡,回想在那熱浪之前,那傳說中大學生不知哪裡來的信心使我可以在權威面前激動的侃侃而談,雖說過程中讓隊友們都替我捏了一把冷汗,極力的用硬擠出來的笑聲來替我化解雙方都在笑容下的濃濃火藥味,今日想起來,這人性中初生之嬻不畏虎的衝勁,真令我高興再逐漸趨於老化時,還能保持個年輕的靈魂,我想,佛洛伊德看見了也會替這世界的持續進步的天性力量而感到高興吧。






當挑戰更快、更高、更遠的同時,會受傷、會跛腳,在這樣的養成之下,我們競技運動員更會去挑戰更強大的力量,雖然挑戰權威一直在臺灣教育下被壓抑,在懷疑主義下的我覺得一切都是個計畫綿密的詭計,但如果競技運動員應該挑戰更強大力量的選手,那也要應該挑戰更強大的社會價值觀與權威性領導者的力量,或許內心可能也會跛腳,而話說默不吭聲與不願站上起跑點上都是一種選擇的無分對錯,但競技運動除了是個零合遊戲之外,那到底帶來給我們什麼重要的人生價值觀與智慧及實用技能?如果競技運動只追求零合卻刻意遺忘遊戲,那麼為何要如此辛苦的去從事競技運動呢?如果競技運動產生的是互相的反目成仇而不是心心相惜也沒有自我成長,其實我走出我家的巷子就可以辦的到了,根本不需要去到那遙遠的倫敦他鄉,如果要根據數據來說話,從事舉重與跆拳道是有較大的機會拿到奧運獎牌,如果你/妳也覺得 愛 本身就沒有道理的,那就別離開跑步吧,因為會陪我們度過人生的低潮不是別人,而是那永遠只有我們背叛卻不曾背叛過我們的跑步了。



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倫敦奧運前在國訓中心訓練時,確認體驗到一種無力感,有時你想為喜歡的隊伍多努力一些什麼的時候, 但自己的實力與能力及條件卻偏偏不是那花上刀口上的刀口,會憤怒、會不平、會無可奈何的煩躁與焦急,但在到達只有認命的那面平靜的彼端時,以被不知多少句:「說話前要先經過腦袋想一想」的尷尬、羞辱的感受給淹埋在一整片默默無聞而又被做上記號的檔案裡,回想在那熱浪之前,那傳說中大學生不知哪裡來的信心使我可以在權威面前激動的侃侃而談,雖說過程中讓隊友們都替我捏了一把冷汗,極力的用硬擠出來的笑聲來替我化解雙方都在笑容下的濃濃火藥味,今日想起來,這人性中初生之嬻不畏虎的衝勁,真令我高興再逐漸趨於老化時,還能保持個年輕的靈魂,我想,佛洛伊德看見了也會替這世界的持續進步的天性力量而感到高興吧。






當挑戰更快、更高、更遠的同時,會受傷、會跛腳,在這樣的養成之下,我們競技運動員更會去挑戰更強大的力量,雖然挑戰權威一直在臺灣教育下被壓抑,在懷疑主義下的我覺得一切都是個計畫綿密的詭計,但如果競技運動員應該挑戰更強大力量的選手,那也要應該挑戰更強大的社會價值觀與權威性領導者的力量,或許內心可能也會跛腳,而話說默不吭聲與不願站上起跑點上都是一種選擇的無分對錯,但競技運動除了是個零合遊戲之外,那到底帶來給我們什麼重要的人生價值觀與智慧及實用技能?如果競技運動只追求零合卻刻意遺忘遊戲,那麼為何要如此辛苦的去從事競技運動呢?如果競技運動產生的是互相的反目成仇而不是心心相惜也沒有自我成長,其實我走出我家的巷子就可以辦的到了,根本不需要去到那遙遠的倫敦他鄉,如果要根據數據來說話,從事舉重與跆拳道是有較大的機會拿到奧運獎牌,如果你/妳也覺得 愛 本身就沒有道理的,那就別離開跑步吧,因為會陪我們度過人生的低潮不是別人,而是那永遠只有我們背叛卻不曾背叛過我們的跑步了。



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IEI Technology Corp. (IEI), the global industrial computing innovator, announced the launch of the KINO-QM770, a Mini-ITX SBC, the NANO-QM770, an EPIC SBC, and the ICE-QM770, a COM Express Basic Type 6 module. These boards support the 22nm LGA1155 3rd generation Intel® Core™ processor family and Mobile Intel® QM77 Express Chipset. 3D micro-architecture enhancement supported by the Intel® HD Graphics engine allows the KINO-QM770, NANO-QM770, and ICE-QM770 to deliver enhanced graphics performance. The KINO-QM770, NANO-QM770, and ICE-QM770 are the ideal platforms for high performance surveillance systems, energy control systems, gaming machines, the hospitality industry, fitness equipment, and high-resolution digital signage applications.

The KINO-QM770 is a Mini-ITX SBC with Socket G2 for the 3rd generation Intel® Core™ processor family. It supports dual-channel DDR3 1600/1333/1066 MHz up to 16GB. The KINO-QM770 supports three independent displays via DVI-I (DVI and VGA) integrated in the Mobile Intel® QM77 Express chipset, as well as HDMI 1.4 compliance. The KINO-QM770 has a high-speed I/O interface for a PCIe Gen 3.0 add-on card, USB 3.0 ports and SATA 6Gb/s port. 

The NANO-QM770 is an EPIC SBC with Socket G2 for the 3rd generation Intel® Core™ processor family. It supports dual-channel DDR3 1600/1333/1066 MHz up to 8GB. The KINO-QM770 supports advanced three independent displays with combination of dual HDMI port and DVI port. The NANO-QM770 features dual PCIe GbE, three COM ports, four USB 3.0 ports, two SATA 6Gb/s ports, and a Realtek ALC662 HD codec audio connector.

The ICE-QM770 is a COM Express Basic Type 6 Module.  It has Socket G2 to support a 3rd generation Intel® Core™ i7/i5 processor manufactured on 22nm process technology.  The ICE-QM770 supports 1.35V DDR3L and dual-channel DDR3 1600/1333/1066 MHz up to 16GB.  It features SATA 6Gb/s and USB 3.0 for high speed data transmission.  With 18/24-bit dual-channel LVDS, analog CRT, and HDTV support, the ICE-QM770 provides multiple display options.

The Mobile Intel® QM77 Express chipset on these boards supports state-of-the-art Intel® Active Management Technology (AMT) 8.0. IT managers can remotely diagnose and repair problems using Intel® 82579 PHY for Intel® AMT 8.0 support. Based on the Intel® QM77 Express chipset with Intel® AMT 8.0 support, IEI developed iEZman and One Key Recovery to combine the power of remote KVM control with simplified system recovery and backup management. All IEI products can be remotely controlled using IEI's iEZman and One Key Recovery.

What is iEZman?
The IEI iEZman application provides an out-of-band KVM function which allows full control of keyboard, mouse and video output viewing on a remote system through hardware-based Intel® Active Management Technology 8.0. Video output on a remote system is always visible even when there is a BSoD (blue screen of death) or missing disk.

iEZman allows a remote user, such as a support person, to remotely control and perform administrative tasks through a graphical user interface in Windows. All functions can be managed through this single interface after password verification. iEZman provides IT departments with remote client management, OOB (out-of-band) diagnostics and asset tracking regardless of system power or OS state to help reduce TCO and improve productivity.

iEZman Functions:
• Power Management - To power the remote system on, off or reset
• Schedule Power Management - To schedule the systems to wake from a sleep state or shut down at a particular time.
• Remote Access - To boot remote PCs from a local CD-ROM, floppy drive or ISO image, or boot into the BIOS.
• Group Management - To sort remote PCs into groups for easy monitoring and control.
• Patch Management - To apply patches to remote PCs.
• Alert and Events - To issue an alert when system problems occur.

IEI One Key Recovery Solution
The unique IEI One Key Recovery solution includes exclusive technology to recover and backup the operating system with the simple press of a key. A recovery image CD with IEI official license sticker ships with every IEI single board computer, embedded system, or panel PC. It includes system recovery software developed by IEI with Windows PE 2.0. The recovery image can be used to create a full system backup and restore in the event of system failure. There is no need to buy additional backup and recovery tools.

All migration tasks can be performed remotely from a central management console reducing the costs associated with a physical visit. Neither specialized IT staff, nor consultants are required to implement the system imaging and data migration procedure. Thus, IEI One Key Recovery simplifies the backup and recovery process and saves time and money. Please note that IEI One Key Recovery works on IEI products only. A “You are an illegal user” warning message appears when attempting to run the software on a non-IEI product.

The iEZman and One Key Recovery solution bundled with IEI products and Intel® AMT 8.0 is your smart choice for remote control management, system backup and recovery.

For more information, please visit www.ieiworld.com or contact sales@ieiworld.com for further information. For the press release, please contact yalingwang@iei.com.tw.

*Intel and Intel Core are registered trademarks of Intel Corporation in the United States and other countries.*

About IEI Technology Corp. 

IEI Technology Corp. is a leading industrial computer provider. IEI provides products for computer-based applications such as factory automation, computer telephony integration, networking, security, IT systems, communication base stations, medical devices and kiosks,Panel pC , Embedded pc . IEI serves industries such as national defense, police administration and transportation. IEI continues to promote its own brand of products in addition to serving ODM vertical markets with complete and professional service.

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  搜索引擎戰略大會[ses.timev.com/xiamen07/ ]開辟了WEB2.0和搜索引擎專場,多位WEB2.0網站站長和搜索引擎優化專家講共同探討這個問題。通過活生生的案例,通過深入淺出的講解,讓你不在對搜索引擎優化生疏和猶豫。


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While touch sensor is commonplace for single points of contact, IOVU-430M’s multi-touch sensor enables a user to interact with the system with more than one finger at a time. IOVU-430’s RISC-based system provides high performance, lower power consumption, wide operating temperature, rugged compact form factor and cost-effective. Built-in WiFi module, GPIO (general

purpose input/output) and CAN bus control have varied applications be flexible.


About IEI Technology Corp. IEI Technology Corp. is a leadingindustrial computer provider. IEI provides products for computer-based applications such as factory automation, computer telephony integration, networking, security, IT systems, communication base stations, medical devices and kiosks,Panel pc , Embedded pc . IEI serves industries such as national defense, police administration and transportation. IEI continues to promote its own brand of products in addition to serving ODM vertical markets with complete and professional service.

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Interconnectivity betweenindustrial devices and data collection hardware is essentialfor efficient operations, reducing bottlenecks and allowing on-time delivery of critical data. IEI Technology Corp. introduces a series of multiport serial communication cards, CAN communication cards, data acquisition cards, and RFID systems as industrial data collection devices designed for complete system integration. The devices are designed for home and building automation, intelligent transportation systems, ATMs, vending machines, parking lots, factory automation, machine automation, medical facilities and other industrial automation applications.



About IEI Technology Corp. IEI Technology Corp. is a leadingindustrial computer provider. IEI provides products for computer-based applications such as factory automation, computer telephony integration, networking, security, IT systems, communication base stations, medical devices and kiosks,Panel pc , Embedded pc . IEI serves industries such as national defense, police administration and transportation. IEI continues to promote its own brand of products in addition to serving ODM vertical markets with complete and professional service.

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IEI Technology Corp. introduces a series of multiport serial communication cards, CAN communication cards, data acquisition cards, and RFID systems as industrial data collection devices designed for complete system integration. 




System Architecture

System Architecture

Interconnectivity between industrial devices and data collection hardware is essential for efficient operations, reducing bottlenecks and allowing on-time delivery of critical data. IEI Technology Corp. introduces a series of multiport serial communication cards, CAN communication cards, data acquisition cards, and RFID systems as industrial data collection devices designed for complete system integration. The devices are designed for home and building automation, intelligent transportation systems, ATMs, vending machines, parking lots, factory automation, machine automation, medical facilities and other industrial automation applications.


IEI's multiport serial communication cards can be seamlessly installed into existing systems, with PCI, PCI-104 and PC/104 interfaces available, and all offering 128 byte deep FIFO per transmitter and receiver. IEI's multiport serial communication cards are protected against lightning strikes and general interference with protection from 15KV electrostatic discharge and isolated 3000VDC.


IEI's CAN communication cards support the Control Area Network 2.0 specification and the CANopen protocol, allowing easy integration into networks using the CAN standard. All of IEI's CAN communication cards include on-board optical isolation and advanced programmable transfer rate of up to 1Mbps. The CAN standard is widely used in the aviation machine control, medical devices, off-road and rail vehicles, maritime electronics, building automation and power generation. 


IEI also provides a full range of data acquisition products with Windows® 2000, XP, XPe and CE 5.0 driver support. These can be used in applications such as central administration, power control, assembly line and building automation. IEI's data acquisition cards feature 2000VDC isolated protection and 2000VDC ESD protection. The data acquisition cards also feature combinations of analog input and digital inputs and outputs.


IEI offers complete turnkey solutions of RFID systems, with low frequency, high frequency and ultra-high frequency systems available. The RFID series supports ISO-11784/11785/15693/14443/18000-6 protocols and EM/Mifare/Felica cards. The complete range of options allow the RFID systems to be used for industrial-grade applications such as livestock identification, electronic toll collection, product authentication, supply chain management, library tracking systems and fuel dispensing loyalty programs.

About IEI Technology Corp. 

IEI Technology Corp. is a leading industrial computer provider. IEI provides products for computer-based applications such as factory automation, computer telephony integration, networking, security, IT systems, communication base stations, medical devices and kiosks,Panel pc , Embedded pc . IEI serves industries such as national defense, police administration and transportation. IEI continues to promote its own brand of products in addition to serving ODM vertical markets with complete and professional service.

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婷娜.希莉格(Tina Seelig)/史丹佛科技創業計畫(STVP)執行長



 雖然我出差時,通常都不會在不必要的點停留,但我也會刻意和旅途中碰到的人聊一聊,而且總是學到一些有趣的知識。比方說,我前一陣子去夏威夷出差,回程時遇見了舊金山 Obscura Digital 公司創辦人康諾利(Patrick Connolly),他的公司會在任何地方播放極具創意的影像,例如以古根漢博物館或川普大樓為場景,把知名建築物變成一場多媒體盛宴。他從事的工作正好和我接下來那個星期創造力課程的主題相關,我們要談的是如何設計空間,以提升創造力。於是我懇切地邀請他到課堂上分享經驗,他欣然接受了。那一天,他告訴學生他們如何設計公司的空間,並贏得二○一一年「全球最酷辦公室」競賽的大獎。如果我們沒有花時間互動,在共同興趣之間產生連結,他就不可能出現在我的課堂上。

 非常創新的公司都知道異花授粉對創造力是多麼重要,因此會努力網羅身懷絕技的人才,因為他們知道多元思考一定會對產品開發帶來好的影響。在推特公司(Twitter)擔任組織文化部門主管的魏爾(Elizabeth Weil)指出,如果在他們公司員工裡隨機抽樣,抽到的樣本裡面可能包含前搖滾歌星、俄羅斯方塊冠軍、世界級單車選手和雜耍高手。她說,推特公司的聘僱政策會確保公司網羅的人才一方面才華洋溢,在工作上勝任愉快,但也擁有與工作非直接相關的興趣,如此一來,員工搭電梯、吃午餐或在走廊上碰到時,就會自然而然聊開來,大家開始找到共同的興趣,公司裡的人際網絡變得更緊密交織,不拘形式的閒聊往往產生許多有趣的點子。



 把看似不搭調的概念連結起來,也是科學研究創新的關鍵。真正能產生重大突破的科學家往往都能這樣做。史丹佛全球衛生學院院長芭莉(Michele Barry)投入大量時間研究開發中國家許多疾病的根源,希望徹底根除這些疾病。她在孟加拉做研究的時候,曾和當地研究人員討論,為何孟加拉的懷孕婦女血壓危險飆高的比例遠高於其他地區。這是個難解之謎,不過她和同事正努力找出孟加拉海平面上升與高血壓的關聯性。孟加拉的陸地正逐漸下沉,導致海水灌入農田。結果稻米含鹽量隨之上升。由於懷孕婦女比較容易發生鹽分滯留現象,日常飲食的鹽分增加,很可能引起血壓上升。這也是個絕佳的例子,讓我們看到全球暖化和公共衛生兩大重要議題之間如何產生關聯。

 另外一個科學研究的例子來自柏克萊加大的蘭恩(Robert Lane)和奎斯達(Gary Quistad)的研究。他們在北加州調查萊姆病(Lyme disease)起因時發現,舊金山灣區有些地區萊姆病的發病率較低。萊姆病的傳染媒介是蜱(也稱壁蝨),舊金山灣區各處蜱的數量都差不多,但有些蜱似乎對萊姆病免疫。深入研究後,蘭恩和奎斯達發現,萊姆病發病率較低的區域,一種叫「西方強棱蜥」的蜥蜴數量比其他地方多很多。這種蜥蜴對萊姆病有天生的免疫力,所以如果蜱叮咬了西方強棱蜥,吸了蜥蜴的血,就會殺死體內的萊姆病菌。某個地區如果有很多這類蜥蜴,當地人即使被蜱叮咬,那隻蜱很可能因為之前叮咬過蜥蜴,已具有免疫力。這個令人訝異的重要發現告訴我們,許多科學家在做研究時,都有意願、也有能力連結看似不相干的觀察和形態。(本文節錄自《學創意,現在就該懂的事》,遠流,2012年8月1日出版 )

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  兩年前搜索引擎優化業界很熱烈的談論過一陣潛在語義索引(Latent Semantic Indexing)。因為時間比較久,記得也不是很清楚,大概介紹一下。



  要注重的是,潛在語義索引并不依靠于語言,所以SEO和搜索引擎優化雖然一個是英語,一個是中文,但這兩個詞大量出現在相同的網頁中,雖然搜索引擎還不能知道搜索引擎優化或SEO指的是什么,但是卻可以從語義上把”SEO”,”搜索引擎優化”,”search engine optimization”,”SEM”等詞緊緊的連在一起。


  搜索引擎有沒有使用潛在語義索引,至今沒有定論,因為搜索引擎既不承認也不否認。但一個事實是2002年Google買下了擁有潛在語義索引專利的一家公司Allied Semantic。









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The ACT-412A RFID operating system contains RFID tags, Reader Antenna, Reader and Software (operation system, middleware, applications). When a command is generated by application, reader encodes the command (we say to read tag UID for example) and transmits it with RF format. Tag in RF coverage range then receives RF, turns it into energy, decodes the command and response (return its UID ‘01234567’) in RF format accordingly.





About IEI Technology Corp. IEI Technology Corp. is a leadingindustrial computer provider. IEI provides products for computer-based applications such as factory automation, computer telephony integration, networking, security, IT systems, communication base stations, medical devices and kiosks,Panel pc , Embedded pc . IEI serves industries such as national defense, police administration and transportation. IEI continues to promote its own brand of products in addition to serving ODM vertical markets with complete and professional service.

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ACT-408A remains an Wiegand communications bus interface allowing physical entrance control via a standard Wiegand 26 protocol through the slave reader. Its remarkable advantage is that it can match with most of the access controllers on the market.





About IEI Technology Corp. IEI Technology Corp. is a leadingindustrial computer provider. IEI provides products for computer-based applications such as factory automation, computer telephony integration, networking, security, IT systems, communication base stations, medical devices and kiosks,Panel pc , Embedded pc . IEI serves industries such as national defense, police administration and transportation. IEI continues to promote its own brand of products in addition to serving ODM vertical markets with complete and professional service.

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By more than 2,100 controlling engineers' on-line voting and 12 global dedicated editors' final evaluation, the IOVU-430M was granted the 2009 CEC (Control Engineering China magazine) Editor's Choice in HMI (Human-Machine Interface) category.


IEI Technology Corp., a global industrial PC innovator, is proud to introduce the awarded industrial grade multi-touch panel PC, IOVU-430M. The IOVU-430M is granted the 2009 CEC (Control Engineering China magazine) Editor's Choice in HMI (Human-Machine Interface) category. By more than 2,100 controlling engineers' on-line voting and 12 global dedicated editors' final evaluation, the IOVU-430M stands out to be the winner from the competition.


While single point touch sensor is commonplace for panel PC and operating terminals, the IEI IOVU-430M multi-touch operating terminal provides whole plane projected-capacitor multi-touch function to enrich the interaction between human and machine. The iPhone-style multi-touch input function provides flexible touch control, enabling users to use more than one finger at a time to scroll the content, resize the window, and rotate the pictures.


IOVU-430M, powered by XScale RISC-based CPU and Windows CE 5.0, provides high performance and extremely low power consumption. And it is an open architecture for system integrators and application developers to invent any type of user interface and application software.


By features of rugged, compact design with plastic housing and fan-less system and wide operating temperature, IOVU-430M turns to be an ideal solution for any kind of operating terminal in diversified operating environments and application fields, such as industrial automation, home/building automation, and man-machine-interface applications.


Key features are listed as below:

● RISC-based processor provides high performance and extremely low power consumption

● 4.3" widescreen WQVGA TFT LCD with projected-capacitor touch screen

● Multi-touch function provides flexible touch control

● Compact design with plastic housing and fan-less system

● Built-in 1.5w speakers

● CAN bus and GPIO provide flexible industrial control

● The whole plane multi-touch screen and IP65 compliant

● Mini secure digital card slot for storage extension 



About IEI Technology Corp. 

IEI Technology Corp. is a leading industrial computer provider. IEI provides products for computer-based applications such as factory automation, computer telephony integration, networking, security, IT systems, communication base stations, medical devices and kiosks,Panel pc , Embedded pc . IEI serves industries such as national defense, police administration and transportation. IEI continues to promote its own brand of products in addition to serving ODM vertical markets with complete and professional service.

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The PICOe-GM45A is a unique 45 nm Intel® Core™ 2 Duo processor platform because it combines both PCI Express (PCIe) and PCI edge connectors on a half-size form factor.


IEI Technology Corp. (IEI), a global industrial PC innovator, today announced the launch of the PICOe-GM45A half-size CPU card. The PICOe-GM45A is a unique 45 nm Intel® Core™ 2 Duo processor platform because it combines both PCI Express (PCIe) and PCI edge connectors on a half-size form factor.


Half-size CPU cards are commonly used in space-restricted industrial computing applications. However, most half-size CPU cards don’t provide simultaneous support for both the PCI Express (PCIe) and PCI communication buses. Supporting only one of these communication buses restricts the expansion options available to system integrators and developers and inhibits their ability to create comprehensive systems.  Previously the only solution was to either use a larger form factor CPU card (full-size) and sacrifice space or accept the design limitations and create limited systems that only supported a PCIe or PCI interface exclusively. IEI’s proprietary half-size PICOe form-factor simultaneously supports both the PCIe and PCI communication buses. 


The PICOe-GM45A is a 45 nm Intel® socket P Core™ 2 Duo processor platform and is the latest half-size PICOe CPU card from IEI. The 45 nm Intel® Core™ 2 Duo is a low power processor with a 6.0 MB L2 cache.


The 45 nm Intel® Core™ 2 Duo processor on the PICOe-GM45A is interfaced to the powerful Intel® GM45 graphics and memory controller hub (GMCH) through a front side bus (FSB) with a maximum speed of 1066 MHz. Two 800 MHz 2.0 GB dual-channel DDR2 SDRAM DIMM (system max. 4.0 GB) are supported by the PICOe-GM45A, which also supports VGA displays, 18-bit or 24-bit dual-channel LVDS displays and HDTV-out in single or dual-display format. 


The PICOe-GM45A also features an Intel® ICH9M input/output controller hub (ICH). Four 3.0 Gb/s SATA drives are supported with support for SATA RAID being a customized option. Two PCIe gigabit Ethernet (GbE) controllers are also interfaced to the PICOe-GM45A through two of the PCIe lanes. Dual LAN connections ensure redundant network connections can be setup and the integrity of the network links to the system preserved if one link should fail. The PICOe-GM45A also has two RS-232 serial port connectors and supports seven high-speed USB 2.0 devices. The Intel® ICH9 also supports high-definition audio and this is implemented on the PICOe-GM45A through a peripheral audio kit.


Four PCIe and four PCI lanes are interfaced from the Intel® ICH9M to edge connectors on the bottom of the PICOe-GM45A thereby facilitating PCIe and PCI expansion on the backplane. Although IEI already has a wide range of backplanes compatible with the PICOe form-factor, IEI can customize backplanes according to the application requirements of the end user.


The PICOe-GM45A half-size CPU card is an ideal platform for high I/O throughput industrial computing applications that require high-performance, flexible expansion options, low power usage and a smaller footprint. However the support for multiple display formats combined with the high-performance, low-power 45 nm Core™ 2 Duo processor and compatibility with a wide range of motion detection cards makes the PICOe-GM45A ideal for machine vision applications. HD audio support also makes the PICOe-GM45A suitable for high-end multi-media applications where the video and audio outputs are both critical performance parameters.


IEI is able to assist integrators and developers in designing their own systems from scratch. IEI has ready-made PICOe form-factor compatible backplanes and chassis. However, IEI can customize both the backplanes and chassis or develop new ones according to the specific needs of the embedded application.


About IEI Technology Corp. 

IEI Technology Corp. is a leading industrial computer provider. IEI provides products for computer-based applications such as factory automation, computer telephony integration, networking, security, IT systems, communication base stations, medical devices and kiosks,Panel pc , Embedded pc . IEI serves industries such as national defense, police administration and transportation. IEI continues to promote its own brand of products in addition to serving ODM vertical markets with complete and professional service.

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婷娜.希莉格(Tina Seelig)/史丹佛科技創業計畫(STVP)執行長

 以下是主持腦力激盪會議時需要考量的原則,靈感來自於凱利(Tom Kelley)的著作《創新的藝術》(The Art of Innovation)。這些指導原則能幫助團隊想出大量既多樣又有趣的點子,遠遠超越最初冒出來顯而易見的解決方案。當然,腦力激盪的正確方式不止一種,所以不妨也多多汲取其他人腦力激盪的經驗,並實驗各種不同的做法,找到自己的成功版本。






 舉例來說,如果要設計新車,找來腦力激盪的人應該對汽車有不同的觀點,也具備不同的知識背景,也許包括負責製造新車的工程師、可能購買汽車的顧客、銷售汽車的業務員、維修汽車的技師,還有代客泊車的服務人員等等。新車設計最後拍板定案的大權並非操在他們手中,但他們的觀點和想法都非常寶貴。IDEO設計公司的波伊爾(Dennis Boyle)表示,應邀參加腦力激盪會議是非常光榮的事情,表示別人很重視你的獨特觀點。一定要讓應邀參加腦力激盪的人明白這件事。

 與會者人數多寡也是個問題。當大家各有不同觀點,又希望每個人都能參與討論、有所貢獻時,總是氣氛緊張。幾年前,我聽說臉書(Facebook)訂了一項公司政策:「兩張披薩的團隊」——意思是任何團隊的人數都必須控制在兩張披薩就夠吃的範圍內,如此一來,團隊成員才能充分溝通和合作。一旦團隊人數超過這個範圍,就必須拆為兩個團隊。對腦力激盪而言,這也是很棒的指導原則。與會人數維持在六至八人時(兩張披薩就夠吃的範圍),一方面能為腦力激盪會議帶來不同的觀點,另一方面又很容易彼此互動。(本文節錄自《學創意,現在就該懂的事》,遠流,2012年8月1日出版 )

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