IEI Launches Industrial SBCs with Intel® H61 Express Chipset for Various Cost-efficient Applications

IEI Technology Corp. (IEI), the global industrial PC innovator, announced the launch of the PCIE-H610, a full-size SBC, and the IMB-H612, a microATX motherboard. Both series use an Intel® H61 Express Chipset.  Designed for scalability and cost optimization, this new SBC series with Intel® H61 Express Chipset and 2nd generation Intel® Core™ processor allows one DIMM per channel of DDR3 1333 MHz.  The Intel® H61 series comes integrated with Intel® HD Graphics technology to deliver high-performance graphics and media processing without a discrete graphics card.  Some key features include TPM V1.2 hardware security support provided by the TPM module and dual-channel 1333 MHz DDR3 SDRAM DIMM supporting up to 16 GB memory.

The PCIE-H610 is a full-size PICMG 1.3 CPU card which supports 32nm LGA1155 Intel® Core™ i7/i5/i3/Pentium®/Celeron® CPU with Intel® H61 chipset. The PCIE-H610 with Intel® desktop 35W CPU and dual Realtek PCIe GbE delivers cost-efficient performance.  A wide range of I/O options are supported including six USB 2.0 ports (two by rear I/O, four by on-board pin header), four USB 2.0 ports (by backplane pin header via gold finger), two RS-232 ports, one RS-422/485 port, four SATA 3Gb/s ports, one LPT port, one FDD port, and one 6-pin wafer for KB/MS.

The IMB-H612A and IMB-H612B are microATX motherboards supporting 32nm LGA1155 Intel® Core™ i7/i5/i3/Pentium®/Celeron® CPU with Intel® H61 chipset.  The IMB-H612 series features two RS-232 and VGA ports on the rear I/O panel making it suitable for automation and surveillance environments that require cableless and dual display applications.  The IMB-H612A has six COM ports while the IMB-H612B has ten COM ports.  The IMB-H612 series supports a wide range of I/O options including four SATA 3Gb/s without RAID & AHCI, one RS-422/485 port, two PS/2 keyboard connectors, ten USB 2.0 ports (four by rear I/O, six by pin header), five RS-232 ports (IMB-H612A-R10 only) and nine RS-232 ports (IMB-H612B-R10 only).

All IEI Intel® H61 series boards include IEI’s unique One Key Recovery software solution. This software eliminates the frustration of system recovery after unexpected system failure. With a single click, One Key Recovery easily creates a full system backup on demand or recovers the system by restoring to a previously made backup.

Please visit or contact our sales representative via for more information.

About IEI Technology Corp. 

IEI Technology Corp. is a leading industrial computer provider. IEI provides products for computer-based applications such as factory automation, computer telephony integration, networking, security, IT systems, communication base stations, medical devices and kiosks,Panel pC , Embedded pc . IEI serves industries such as national defense, police administration and transportation. IEI continues to promote its own brand of products in addition to serving ODM vertical markets with complete and professional service.

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Taipei, Sept.18, 2012 (CENS)--Adlink Technology Inc. and Avalue Technology Inc., both Taiwanese industrial PC makers, saw revenues grow 14% and 53% year on year (YoY) to NT$490 million (US$16.33 million) and NT$235 million (US$7.83 million), respectively, showing remarkable growths in low season.

An institutional investor predicts that with massive POS (point of sales) orders from U.S, Adlink expects revenues in the third quarter to hit a record high, with Avalue to do the same with increasing JDM (joint design manufacturing) orders.

A representative of Adlink says mounting POS orders from U.S boosted the firm’s revenues in the third quarter, along with recovery of medical-care item shipments, and growing gaming machines with 2.5-month order visibility.

Adlink’s non-combined revenues in July and August totaled NT$478 million (US$15.93 million), with combined revenues in July reaching NT$429 million (US$14.3 million), much higher than the NT$243 million (US$8.1 million) in non-combined revenues in the same period, mainly due to the high-proportion of POS orders shipped from the firm’s subsidiary in U.S.

An institutional investor says intensified POS shipments from May to October drove Adlink’s revenue significantly from July to September, which will likely hit a record high in the third quarter.

Avalue saw combined revenues in August rise 6.91% MoM to NT$490 million (US$16.33 million), up 14% YoY, benefiting from the merger of LiPPERT German, a German embedded-industrial-PC maker.

An institutional investor says Avalue merged LiPPERT to tap the German market as western industrialized countries tend to seek contract manufacturers overseas, and Taiwanese industrial PC makers are more competitive than western counterparts. Avalue saw industrial PCs account for 71% of total revenues, up from last year’s 64%, with growing orders likely to push revenues in October to a historical high again.
(by Andrew Wang)

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艾訊股份有限公司 (Axiomtek Co., Ltd.) 全新推出相容開放式易插拔規格 (OPS) 的數位電子看板播放器 OPS830,搭載 Intel® Atom™ 雙核心中央處理器 D2550 1.86 GHz,內建 Intel® NM10 高速晶片組,提供低功耗與高繪圖效能,其整合 Intel® GMA 3650 繪圖引擎,支援豐富的高傳真畫質內容。此 OPS 模組透過標準 JAE 80-pin 介面連結 1 組 VGA、DisplayPort 以及 DVI/HDMI 等多種信號埠;另提供 1 組 PCI Express Mini Card 擴充槽,可應用於圖形加速的影像卡,於 802.11 a/b/g/n 無線區域網路 (wireless LAN) / 3G 行動上網 / GPRS 行動上網 / 調頻廣播網 / AV 擷取卡以及更多的介面,輕鬆翱翔便利、零時差的網路世界。此全新播放器 OPS830 支援 1 組最高達 4 GB 的 DDR3 SO-DIMM 系統記憶體,以及 1 組 2.5 吋 SATA 硬碟機儲存介面,符合 OPS 規範模組;適合購物商城、公司、教育單位、醫院、宗教組織、銀行、交通運輸、零售商店、餐廳、表演藝術中心以及更多場所之數位電子看板應用的理想選擇。 

艾訊產品企劃處數位廣告產品企劃部協理王祐人表示:「艾訊數位電子看板專用播放器 OPS830 相容開放式易插拔規格 (Open Pluggable Specification),提供極其創新與簡單的方法,使用者毋需再拆解整台系統,可輕鬆插拔硬碟機、更換記憶體,較以往方便系統維護,大幅節省安裝與維護成本。其搭載低功耗 Intel® Atom™ 雙核心中央處理器 D2550 1.86 GHz,內建 Intel® NM10 高速晶片組,不僅擁有高繪圖、低功耗、高可靠以及經濟型的產品優勢,更能為顧客提供前所未有的視覺體驗。」 

OPS 架構數位電子看板播放器 OPS830 主要產品特色 
搭載 Intel® Atom™ 雙核心中央處理器 D2550 1.86 GHz 
預留 VGA 輸出埠 
機身尺寸:寬 20 公分 x 深 11.9 公分 x 高 3 公分,重量約為 1 公斤 

艾訊全新數位電子看板專用播放器 OPS830 即將於 2012 年 11 月上旬開始提供出貨服務;若需要更多第三代 Intel® Core™ OPS 架構模組的產品資訊,請參考艾訊台灣地區網站 或全球網站 或來信,或洽詢艾訊區域業務,以獲得專屬且更有效率的服務。此外,艾訊更提供全面客製化服務,歡迎對 ODM/OEM 有興趣的廠商與我們聯繫。 

OFP320 - 相容 Intel® OPS 架構 31.5 吋 Full HD 超高畫質數位電子看板顯示器 
艾訊 31.5 吋寬液晶螢幕 Full HD 超高畫質數位電子看板平台 OFP320,支援以 OPS 為架構的數位電子看板專用播放器,內建標準開放式易插拔規格架構,具備未來日常生活中數位電子看板應用程式的先進技術,此大尺寸 TFT LCD 寬螢幕支援 1920 x 1080P 解析度,提供清晰、色彩鮮豔的畫面以及生動活潑的內容來吸引觀眾的注意。 

艾訊股份有限公司為一個國際級工業電腦 (IPC) 系列產品之領導設計者暨製造商,專門以數據擷取與控制系統為研究開端,擁有堅強的研發、製造團隊,以先進的嵌入式研發技術,以及 PC-based 工業自動化解決方案為基礎,開發多樣化和模組化的應用電腦平台、觸控平板電腦,以及數位電子看板等,成為工業電腦產業領域最信賴的長期供應商夥伴。 

艾訊成立於 1990 年,總公司約有 385 位員工,更有總計超過 159 位員工分佈在美國、德國和中國等子公司,在全球更有超過 60 餘家的經銷商夥伴。艾訊提供工業級長卡、主機板及機箱 (Industrial PCs,Single Board Computers),嵌入式單板電腦 (Embedded Computing Platforms) 及強固型嵌入式電腦系統 (Embedded Systems) tBOX、eBOX 與 rBOX 系列,觸控式平板電腦 (Touch Panel Computers),數位電子看板及顯示器 (Digital Signage & Displays),醫療用薄型電腦 (Medical Panel Computers),人機介面 (Human Machine Interface,HMI),工業級網路交換器 (Industrial Networking & Converters),及網路安全應用硬體平台 (Network Appliances) 等超過 400 種的系列產品。

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Taipei, Sept.27, 2012 (CENS)--Taiwan’s industrial PC makers including Advantech Co. Ltd., ICP Electronics Inc., Axiomtek Co. Ltd., Adlink Technology Inc., and Avalue Technology Inc. are taking increasing orders from the U.S in the second half due to U.S. government’s policy to stimulate investments, which helps to offset delayed orders from Europe.

N. America accounted for 29% of Advantech’s total revenues in the first half, up 15% year on year (YoY) with the highest growth among all areas to have risen more than 10 months continually. C.S He, general manager of Advantech, is optimistic of continual growth in N. America in the second half.

Apart from Advantech, ICP Electronics and Avalue is also raising shipments to POS (point of sale) customers in U.S in the second half. A representative of ICP Electronics pointed out that benefiting from rebounding ODM (original design manufacturing) orders in the U.S., the company is expected to witness revenues grow 15% in the second half, compared to the first.

Revenues in America contributed 60% to Avalue’s revenues in the first half, up remarkably from last year’s 55%, while European sales dropped due to the debt crisis. Benefiting from economic recovery in the U.S., the firm saw POS orders from the area increase hugely; while an institutional investor predicts POS orders to account for nearly 30% of Avalue’s revenues this year, up 40% YoY.

EtherWAN Systems Inc., a subsidiary of Axiomtek, witnessed profits in the first half exceed the whole year of 2011, and is expected to see profits in the second half double from the first due to growing orders from U.S., whose customers generate 60~70% of EtherWAN’s revenues.

Adlink, also benefitting from the growing U.S market, saw revenues there rise 30% YoY in the first half, which is likely to increase continuously in the second half. A representative from Adlink indicated that the firm’s U.S market is mainly developed by its subsidiary Ampro Co., which brings orders from large-sized customers to boost revenues in the U.S. in the first half.
(by Andrew Wang)

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NORCO has been devoted to industrial PC field since 1991, and partnered closely with Intel. At the early stage, NORCO's embedded PC are mostly based on X86 architecture. This year, NORCO begin to enter into ARM market of industrial PC. The first release is BIS-6370, and embedded box PC based on Marvell ARMv5TE processor. The Main Frequency is upto 1.2GHz;Onboard 512MB DDRII RAM, 1Gb NAND Flash;6x 10/100/1000Mbps network interface, 5x LAN, 1x WAN. This embedded PC can be widely used in such applications as VPN, Flow Control, Network Firewall and other network platforms, etc.

Another release of NORCO's ARM products is BIS-6380, an embedded computing system solution based on ARM Cortex-A8 1.2GHz and Freescale i.MX53 series CPU. It offers ultra-low power SoC and I/O solutions with more OS options including including Android[] / Linux2.6 / Windows Embedded Compact 7, supporting 1080P HD Display and OpenGL ES2.0 and OpenVG1.1 hardware acceleration, onboard 1GB DDR3 Memory and 4GB iNAND flash, making it the ideal hardware solution in digital signage, self-service, automobile, medical and industrial automation, etc.

Currently, the 2 models embedded PC have been passed rigorous test and evaluation, and ready into the market.

For detailed information on ARM hardware solutions, please contact us at

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