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东芝L850是一款配置、稳定性、造型等元素方面都非常全面的产品。东芝L850采用英特尔Sandy Bridge平台的酷睿二代i5-2450M双核处理器,主频为2.5GHz,拥有3M三级缓存,可睿频加速至3.1MHz。另外显卡加入了2G显存的HD7670M独显,性能不错。东芝L850的最新报价为4999元,一起看看。


  东芝L850笔记本采用了英特尔Sandy Bridge平台的酷睿二代i5-2450M双核处理器。该处理器主频为2.5GHz,拥有3M三级缓存,可睿频加速至3.1MHz。基于Intel HM65主板芯片组,机身搭载了2G显存容量的AMD Radeon HD 7670M独立显卡。该笔记本搭载了15.6英寸LED背光高清炫彩屏,主流的16:9比列,最佳分辨率为1366×768。



东芝 L850-T02B
产品类型 家用
操作系统 Microsoft Windows 7 Home Basic 家庭普通版
处理器型号 Intel 酷睿 i5 2450M
处理器主频 2.5GHz
内存容量 2GB
硬盘容量 640GB
光驱类型 DVD刻录机
屏幕尺寸 15.6英寸
屏幕分辨率 1366×768
显卡芯片 AMD Radeon HD 7670M
显存容量 2GB
摄像头 集成摄像头
蓝牙 支持
数据接口 1个USB2.0,2个USB3.0


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Cray最先进顶级超级计算机 首用Intel

Cray XC3超算采用了Intel Sandy Bridge-EP架构的Xeon E5-2600系列处理器,最多八核心十六线程,是当今最强大的服务器芯片。XC3的每个机柜内最多可以安装384颗这样的处理器,核心最多3072个,峰值性能66TFlops,而且未来还可以升级Intel更新的产品,比如明年的下代Ivy Bridge-EP(网购最低价 708.0元)

Cray最先进顶级超级计算机 首用Intel




有趣的是,这是Cray第一次在高端超算系统中采用Intel Xeon Sandy Bridge处理器,之前一直都是AMD Opteron。

美国、瑞士、澳大利亚、芬兰、日本、德国等国的多家科研机构都已经签订了Cray XC3的采购合同,并且已经开始少量出货,2013年第一季度即可大量供应。明年的顶级超算名单里或许就可以看到它了。 (本文来源:中关村在线网站 ) 

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從6月底去芬蘭訓練4個月,平常只有一個人訓練,只有在芬蘭留學的女朋友林萱萱在一旁鼓勵,完賽第一個想感謝的就是女友,「我一直想到她,因為有時候會偷懶睡懶覺,她就會說:國峰該起床囉!該練習囉!我就會很懶,因為練習很累,外面真的很冷,只要踏出那個門就好了,早上平均溫度大概10度。」國峰說,再來要感謝的就是FSA Featherlight三鐵菁英隊的Simon,「有時候Simon有時候都自己吃泡麵,但是東西都給我們最好的。從我退伍到現在,如果沒有他,我不會繼續專注練習。」國峰說,鐵人之路很辛苦,如果一路上沒有人支持,國峰其實想要專心寫書,把三鐵當作興趣,而不是專業選手,看到他有今天的表現,真的很令人開心。跟姿勢跑法的宗師尼可拉斯博士拜師,未來,他將不斷突破自我,不斷進步。


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The littlest Mac of them all, the Mac mini, was updated in late October. The last time we took a look at the mini was in July 2011, when Ryan Paul examined the mini's suitability as a Home Theater PC (HTPC); he had some positive and some negative things to say about the shiny metal cuboid. The new mini improves on the old in several substantial ways, but the most notable thing about the latest revision is that it's currently the only Mac you can buy which comes equipped with Apple's Fusion Drive technology. Fusion Drive "fuses" together a solid state drive and a traditional spinning hard disk drive into a single volume, and does some interesting tricks to tier data between the two different physical drives.

We've said quite a bit about Fusion Drive on Ars, culminating with our big hands-on post, but the mini is worth looking at by itself, too. The mid-tier version comes with a punchy Ivy Bridge Intel Core i7 processor, which makes it one of the fastest computers in my house right now; it's quiet, quick, and it's at least vaguely affordable. Well, kind of.

The price of entry

The mini comes in three flavors: an entry-level version with a dual-core Ivy Bridge i5 and 4GB of RAM, a mid-level version with a quad-core i7 and 4GB of RAM, and a server version with a quad-core Ivy Bridge i7, two hard drives, and OS X Server. Out of these three, only the mid-tier model can be ordered with Fusion Drive, though the server variety can optionally be configured with one or two 256GB SSDs. Because we wanted to both evaluate the mini itself and Fusion Drive, went with the mid-tier version. Aside from adding the Fusion Drive, it is otherwise exactly as listed on Apple's website. single board computer

OS OS X 10.8.2
CPU Quad-core 2.3GHz Intel Core i7-3615QM (Turbo Boost up to 3.3GHz)
RAM 4GB 1600MHz DDR3 (2x 2GB SODIMMs)
GPU Integrated Intel HD4000
STORAGE 1TB Fusion Drive (128GB SSD + 1TB 5400 RPM HDD)
NETWORKING Gigabit Ethernet, 802.11a/b/g/n Wi-Fi, Bluetooth 4.0
PORTS Firewire 800, HDMI, Thunderbolt, 4x USB 3.0, audio line in minijack (digital/analog), audio line out/headphone minijack (digital/analog), SDXC card slot
SIZE 7.7×7.7×1.4" (19.7×19.7×3.6 cm)
WEIGHT 2.7 lbs (1.22 kg)

The current low-profile form factor was introduced in July of 2011 and brought with it support for Apple and Intel's then-new Thunderbolt technology (formerly known asLightpeak). Apple apologists opined that the inclusion of the high-speed Thunderbolt port on the mini obviated the need for USB 3, though in the year since the Thunderbolt-equipped mini launched, Thunderbolt devices haven't really gained much in popularity and the ecosystem is looking a little bland. USB 3, on the other hand, is popping up in devices everywhere.

The new mini rectifies the oversight and comes with an entire slew of USB 3 ports on the back, enabling it to attach to the entire broad set of fast peripherals which use the standard. If you can forego the Core i7 and the upgraded storage, then you can stick with the base model mini. At $599, it is the least-expensive way to get your hands on OS X. The specs are still quite nice for a small-form-factor desktop, and the base mini serves as a gateway drug for Mac newbies and would-be iOS developers who dream of churning out the next Angry Birds.


The mini's packaging is simple, and the computer comes with few pack-ins. Aside from the mini itself, the box contains a small instruction booklet with the requisite Apple stickers, an HDMI-to-DVI adapter, and a power cable. The mini's internal power supply means that the power cable is just that, and the computer needs no unsightly wall wart to function. This is a good thing.

Enlarge / The Mac mini box, front.

Enlarge / The Mac mini box, back, with ports called out.

Enlarge / Not much else is in the box, aside from the mini.

Externally, the mini is unchanged from its predecessor. When looking at the two next to each other, they are indistinguishable.

Enlarge / Can you tell which one is the new mini? Honestly, neither can I. I think it's the bottom one.

Things look mostly the same on the inside, too, though this mini is equipped with Fusion Drive. In addition to the HDD, it sports a 2.5" Samsung 830-based SATA III solid state disk in its lower drive bay, connected to the L-shaped motherboard via a custom connector.

Enlarge / The mini, with the bottom cover removed. Visible is the Airport Wi-Fi antenna at top, the RAM at right, and the system's single fan.

Enlarge / The mini, partly disassembled. Visible at top is the Samsung SSD.

Enlarge / The mini's SSD, a SATA III Samsung 830-based OEM model.

Enlarge / SATA adapter, connecting the SSD's power and data leads to the L-shaped motherboard (or logic board, in Apple parlance).


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1) 添加內容時先用百度或者Google搜索一下標題,看是否有和自己標題完全匹配的搜索結果,有就更改標題。文章內容的開始部分和結尾加以少許更改。一篇原創的文章就出來了。為什么要更改內容首尾呢,因為搜索引擎收錄后的描述往往就是文章的首尾部分。比如資源站上面所有的文章都經過原創處理,在百度里面搜索不到相同的標題。

2) 利用翻譯工具。很簡單,更新中文站在英文站上找內容,英文站則反之。用翻譯工具翻譯一下再加少許修改就成了一篇絕對原創的內容了。做垃圾站也可以不修改。

3) 通過幾篇內容相似的文章雜交而來。


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例1:A站Pr值為3,他的連接只有5 個,那么這個Pr值就相對獲得高。
比如:www.seo360.cn 就得跟網站優化,搜索引擎優化等網絡類相關網站交換友情

< a href="http://www.ckcf.com.cn" _fcksavedurl=""http://www.ckcf.com.cn"" title="網站優化,搜索引擎優化" >金湯傳媒

三、各個搜索引擎是如何看待 外部連接(友情連接)的?
1.baidu 看重的是 外部連接的質量
2.google看重的是 在外部連接的質量的基礎上增加友情的數量
3.yahoo 比百度更看重 外部連接的質量

1.group.qq.com 在這里搜 友情鏈接 加群 在群內 交換
2.百度貼吧 搜索 友情鏈接 留言并尋找留言交換

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還記得2011年世界冠軍Macca來台灣參加70.3,游泳時酷炫的Body surfing、自行車帥氣托腮經典照、跑步愜意的擊掌微笑,世界冠軍的魅力讓鐵人迷們為之傾倒,一切就好像幾天前才結束的比賽,一轉眼以經過了一年,今年Macca沒有參賽,但是來了另一個世界冠軍紐西蘭的Terenzo Bozzone,2008年Ironman 70.3 world championship的冠軍,實力與Macca不相上下,屬於怪物一枚!
















完成自行車路線騎乘後大家各自解散,中午到Specialized攤位幫忙…吃便當!報到的人潮越來越多,衝著Ironman expo的紀念品兒來的人潮,帶來可觀的商機,想起去年Ironman攤位的紀念品,精緻而且多種選擇,相對今年只剩部分產品,讓鐵人們深覺可惜,期望明年的Ironman攤位可以提供更多產品,讓鐵人們在賽場上拼完體力後再到expo拼經濟!




下午二點出席賽事記者會,Terenzo維持著職業頂尖選手一貫的親切風格,時時面帶微笑,記者有問必答,還學了幾句中文,女子職業選手Belinda Granger親切度破表,在台上完全不會害羞怯場,很榮幸有這樣的機會與頂尖選手一起出席,短短一個小時,我又學到好多東西,在國際的舞台上,真的是分分秒秒處處有驚奇!


Ironman系列賽事規定比賽前一天交車,大家報到完牽著愛車到南灣停車場T1交車,隨著科技進步,大家的車子和裝備一個比一個恐怖,整個南灣停車場頓時變成墾丁最值錢的地!粗略估算一坪約幾十萬跑不掉!記得第一屆Ironman 70.3 Taiwan,當時大多數參賽者還騎著公路車加休息把,兩年後同一場比賽,計時車暴增,坐上計時車帶上計時帽每個人都超帥氣,相對器材提昇,成績也大躍進,業餘組的前幾名都有實力挑戰職業組!太…可…怕了!


照片來源:Bass Lu Facebook










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今年的太魯閣,賽道還是一樣的美麗壯闊,而且看起來參加人數更多了~ 前一晚幾乎興奮得睡不著,一大早4點多夜色裡,到了花蓮車站滿滿的都是跑者,大家臉上都帶著期待興奮的笑容開心聊天,好high呀 XD 這次出發路線經過修改,去年起點在太魯閣牌坊旁,今年向山下移了一小段距離,本來先往山下跑至水泥廠原路折返方式,換成繼續往下跨過太魯閣大橋,以逆時針繞圈方式重新經過太管處與牌坊再往山上跑,大大改進了去年之前,前5K折返人潮壅擠的狀況,跑起來順多了。










(左上)超強但是非常低調的黑色軍團。(左下)這次最年輕火熱的紅色軍團 - 成淵高中小將,由潘瑞根老師帶隊,當中有我們熟悉的當代最強高中生李翰暄、身兼三鐵小將的張團畯。(右)本次國體的3金合體,女子半馬國內冠軍陳淑華、男子半馬冠軍王秋竣、全馬國內冠軍何志豐。































































最後全馬的結果還是黑色軍團包辦前兩名,Hosea Kipyego Kogey以2小時24分22秒拿下冠軍;第二名則是Richard Mutisya,以2小時43分10秒完賽;第三名是國內業餘最強的選手之一何志豐,跟哥哥何志宏共同經營鍋貼店,餐飲業工作忙碌之餘還可以練習,而且成績也是有目共睹,以2小時45分55秒居於第三。



至於全馬女生組也和男子組狀況相同,黑色軍團包辦前兩名,而第三名為國內好手簡培宇。Ecler Chelimo Loywapi以2小時51分11秒拿下女子冠軍;第二名則是Michael Wayua以3小時01分46秒完賽;國內好手簡培宇以3小時03分08秒拿下第三名。




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● 产品简要性能参数:

I/A新品爆发 用户如何选择才合适


  Intel 奔腾 G645采用32纳米工艺制程,基于Sandy Bridge架构制造,Sandy Bridge插槽类型为LGA 1155,针脚数为1155pin,内置两个物理内核,处理器默认主频高达2.9GHz,外频为100MHz,倍频为29X,总线频率为2000MHz;同时配备三级缓存,容量为3MB,处理器内集成丰富的多媒体指令集,对主流的多媒体应用提供较好的支持。由于采用了最新的制作工艺,也将为玩家带来更低的功耗和发热,让系统运行更加持续、稳定。

● 性能测试:

奔腾G840被秒杀 对比分析G645市场定位


● 推荐装机配置:



入门核显家用平台 奔腾 G645装机推荐
配件类型 型号 价格(元)
中央处理器 Intel 奔腾 G645(散) 345
超频三 红海Mini静音版 65
内存模组 金士顿 4GB DDR3 1333 115
华硕 P8H61-M LE 499
硬盘 希捷 Barracuda 1TB 7200转 64MB 单碟 625
三星 SH-222AB 138
机箱 动力火车 绝尘侠X5 170
电源供应器 航嘉 冷静王钻石2.3+版 248
显示器 优派 VX2336S-LED 1069
键鼠 罗技 MK100键鼠套装 82
总计 3356 元


● CPU费用饼状图:

I/A新品爆发 用户如何选择才合适


● 编辑点评:


  尽管Sandy Bridge架构的处理器已经不是主角,但是作为追求性价比的消费者来说,此时购买SNB架构的处理器显然是最为超值的时机,在受到最新Ivy Bridge处理器架构处理器影响的同时,作为其上一代产品的奔腾双核G645可谓是实惠中的实惠。



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瑞克.韓森(Rick Hanson)/神經心理學家











 當生命的狂風平息,你仍將穩健地站著,提供樹蔭遮蔽,綻放花朵並結實累累──堅強又耐久。(本文節錄自《簡單的事持續做,就不簡單!:改變心念、發現美好,培養佛陀智慧的修鍊書》,臉譜,2012年9月3日出版 )

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瑞克.韓森(Rick Hanson)/神經心理學家











 當生命的狂風平息,你仍將穩健地站著,提供樹蔭遮蔽,綻放花朵並結實累累──堅強又耐久。(本文節錄自《簡單的事持續做,就不簡單!:改變心念、發現美好,培養佛陀智慧的修鍊書》,臉譜,2012年9月3日出版 )

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 過去,統一超的組織文化太單純──他們只要專心工作,不用擔心別的事。(本文節錄自《流通教父徐重仁青春筆記:一生感動一生青春》,天下雜誌,2012年9月27日出版 )

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1、 在保證用戶體驗的前提下進行搜索引擎優化。

2、 搜索引擎優化要合理、合法,決不采取非法手段進行搜索引擎優化。

3、 搜索引擎優化不可急功近利,要循序前進,你的網站才會在搜索引擎里面表現越來越好!

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谷歌(Google)于2007年7月30日晚公布在搜索結果頁面上的網站將不再顯示補充材料(supplemental results)的標簽,這也就是Google本次大更新的起點,下面來談談本次更新的幾個重點,以供SEOer和Webmaster分享參考:







2、Google PageRank即將更新

鏈接質量將會有更嚴格的要求,這就意味著很多站點的PR會下降,按照時間來推算,本次PR的更新會在8月中旬左右進行(基本是三個月左右開始更新),由于Google存在很多數據庫,所以更新不是同步的,也就是說在某些地方會更新的慢些,甚至同一個站點在不同的地方看到的PR值是不同的,注重密切的觀察,Google tool bar上面的綠塊,假如在刷新頁面的時候出現波動,這是Google Page Rank在更新了。


由于補充材料的取消帶來頁面收錄增加的想法是不現實的,現在就可以看到你們的頁面收錄數目并沒有大幅度增加。在頁面收錄數目調整這塊,Google調整了對動態網頁的索引,所以那些使用動態技術的網站收錄數量會有比較大的變化,同時Mutt Cutts透露在網頁URL使用了中劃線(-)的網站收錄也會相應變化。



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1充分了解你的用戶是如何看待你網站所屬的行業,這里要害詞分布就起到了非常重要的作用了。一些要害詞的工具象是Keyword Discovery和Wordtracker都是十分有用的。這些工具可以讓你了解到當用戶在搜索你的網站內容時會使用哪些要害詞。在這個實踐環節中,你可以為你的導航做一個地圖,記錄下你所學習到本行業的知識。











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Apple has finally made its move into the smaller tablet market with the iPad mini. The iPad mini has a 7.9-inch screen and many, but not all, of the features that the 9.7-inch iPad has. Read our iPad mini review to find out more. UPDATED: 9th November 2012

Apple iPad Mini black

Smaller than an iPad, but quite a bit bigger than an iPod touch, the Apple iPad mini is the long-awaited and much-rumoured in-betweener in the brave new world of tablets. Here's our full iPad mini review.

iPad mini screen

Although it's the same physical size as its seven-inch rivals, it packs a bigger 7.9in screen. You wouldn't think it, but this extra not-quite-an-inch gives the iPad mini around 35 percent more screen real-estate than a 7in tablet, and the difference is noticeable. See iPad 4 review.

We like the 4:3 form factor, which is only really a disadvantage when it comes to watching videos, since 16:9 content has to be shown with black bars at the top and bottom, or the sides cropped so it fills the screen. See also Apple iPad Mini vs Google Nexus 7 tablet comparison review.

To keep things simple, and likely to keep costs down, the screen has the same 1024 x 768 resolution as the iPad 2. This means it can run the existing - and extensive - catalogue of iPad-specific apps. Most Android tablet owners have to put up with the phone versions of apps. Visit Google Nexus 7 review.

The iPad mini's display has a higher pixel density than the original iPad and iPad 2 because it's around 2in smaller, but it's obvious that it's not as crisp as the iPhone or bigger iPad's Retina displays. Fortunately, it's still an IPS panel, so colours are vibrant and viewing angles excellent. See also Amazon Kindle Fire HD review.

iPad mini against iPad Retina

iPad mini build

What strikes you as you pick up the iPad mini is how light it is. It's less than half the weight of a third- or fourth-generation iPad, and 23 percent thinner. Despite this, build quality is spectacular and the mini feels as solid as a rock. The mini is also noticeably thinner and lighter than most of its 7in rivals, including the Nexus 7 and Kindle Fire HD. Take a look at our iPhone 5 review.

As you'd expect, it has the new Lightning connector, so you'll need an adaptor to use 30-pin accessories - not all of which will work (and there's currently no HDMI adaptor available). The button layout is identical to a 9.7in iPad.

Like all recent Apple iPads, the iPad mini has dual-band Wi-Fi, allowing it to roam across the less crowded 5GHz radio band. Apple also lists channel bonding in its spec, where two adjacent 20MHz channels are combined to make a 40Hz channel for potentially greater throughput. Most people won't get this benefit, though, as few have a router with a 5GHz radio, or one that can operate on both 2.4GHz and 5GHz simultaneously.

Apple iPad mini in hand

iPad mini cameras

Both cameras on the iPad mini are brilliant, the rear one especially so. It takes sharp photos in dingy conditions (the photo below was taken with just a table lamp lighting the room) and great-looking images with accurate colours in good light.

iPad mini rear camera low light photo

It's great for videos too (it has stabilisation as well), and you'll feel more at home using this smaller iPad rather than the big version for capturing what's going on. Plus, there's face recognition on both cameras for photos and videos.

iPad mini performance

Another similarity with the iPad 2 is the processor. The A5 chip is getting a bit old, but our benchmark results show it can still rub shoulders with the current crop of 7in tablets. Importantly - and this is something benchmarks often fail to reflect - the iPad mini feels snappy in use, whether loading apps, scrolling around maps or browsing the web.

In the SunSpider JavaScript test, the iPad mini scored Touch Panel PC 1442ms, which puts it towards the head of the pack, but in the synthetic Geekbench 2, it managed only 752 - not a great score compared to the Nexus 7 (1452) and even the Kindle Fire HD (1124). For gaming, it's still pretty good, managing 24fps in GLBenchmark 2.5.1. The Kindle Fire HD could muster only 8.2fps here, and the Nexus 7 just 14fps. It shows that, when it comes to more demanding games, the iPad mini leads the way.

We're still runnning our battery life tests, but from our general use so far, the mini seems to live up to Apple's 10-hour claim.

iPad mini software

A slight surprise is the presence of Siri - Apple's voice assistant - as it was previously thought the processor was the reason for not including it on the iPad 2. The mini has most of the other headline iOS 6 features as well, including flyover maps and VIP mail, but doesn't get a panorama mode in the Camera app. You can, of course, download any number of apps which will automatically stitch photos together for you. Try Microsoft's Photosynth for great 360-degree vistas.

One neat addition to iOS is that it recognises if you're resting your thumb on the side of the screen or interacting with an app. The side bezels are just 5mm wide so touching the screen is inevitable, especially when reading an eBook.

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Oct. 27-- Halloween brings us all kinds of spooky images, including that of Frankenstein's monster, a shambling creature created from the stitched-together pieces of completely different corpses.
So it's appropriate this Halloween also brings us the release of Windows 8, a shambling program created from the stitched-together pieces of completely different operating systems.
Microsoft spokesmen have long warned us that Windows 8 would be the biggest change to Windows since the operating system was created, and even a glance will show that they were right. But what Microsoft failed to warn us is that you'll have to bounce back and forth between the main face of the operating system and its more traditional backstage in order to perform everything you expect to accomplish with a traditional PC.
I used Windows 8 on a traditional PC without a touchscreen. It's also coming loaded on touch-capable laptops, but I didn't get to try any of the touch features.
Windows 8 defaults to the Start screen, which may look familiar to those who have used an Xbox 360 or a Windows Phone but doesn't behave anything like any other mainline version of Windows. The Start button is gone. So is the permanent clock. Icons for open programs no longer show up on the bottom of the screen. The red X that kills programs has itself been killed. In fact, folders and programs no longer show up in little windows you can move around and layer.
Instead, the home screen is clustered with a variety of tiles that represent apps and other computer functions. Each tile is "live," meaning the tile itself can present new information before you open it up. The weather tile shows the local temperature, and the email tile shows you how many unread messages you have.
Beyond clicking individual tiles to open them, users will navigate by moving the mouse to the corners of the screen. The top-left corner brings up a list of programs that are open, and the top-right corner brings up "charms" such as a search field, the option to share whatever you're looking at on social networks, and settings -- well, some settings, but I'll get to that later.
Although users will have to re-learn the system from scratch, it's relatively easy to use, clean and appealingly animated. But the many changes aren't always for the better.
The pre-loaded apps are a mixed bag of handy tools and baffling omissions. Email is functional, but it's presented as a clutter of three vertical columns -- one for email options, one for a list of messages, and one for the message itself -- that you can't resize.
A cluster of apps for news, sports and finance presents a handsome array of recent stories, and you can add teams to follow, stocks to track and news sources to dig through. But you get only a limited set of articles you can't expand, and there's no way to search for a specific term.
Internet Explorer has become minimalistic to the extreme, as the default view gives you the web page with no navigation bar whatsoever. You can bring that bar, as well as tabs, back with a right click, but other than searching for a specific word or bookmarking a web page, you can't do much with it.
Like Windows Phone, a "people" pane gathers all the contacts you know from Facebook, Twitter and other social networks and puts them together in a single spot. Unfortunately, you have to keep tabbing back and forth to go from news feed updates to posting your own information, and the notifications list appears on two different spots. "Pictures" fares better, as the app lets you clearly identify which photos are from your Facebook page and which are on your hard drive, for example.
It all feels very basic, which can be a virtue if all you're hoping to do is check your email or see what's happening on Facebook. Yet it feels a little too limiting. You can't have multiple windows open at once or side-by-side, you can't download a new program and use it -- everything on the start screen has to come from Microsoft's app store -- you can't use any of your old Windows programs, and you can't dig into files that aren't already associated with an app.
At least, you can't do that without going to the "desktop." Hit that icon, and Windows 8 instantly mutates into a mostly similar version of Windows 7. The Start button is still gone, but the traditional Windows experience is all there like you remember. Layered windows, red X's, open program icons, the recycle bin, the works.
It's here that you can do the things you've come to expect from a PC. Programs can be downloaded and launched without consulting Microsoft's app store. Internet Explorer regains all the other options missing from its Start menu counterpart. Open windows and resize them to your heart's content.
Even the Control Panel is still there. Weirdly enough, many of the computer's settings can only be changed within the desktop, as the Start page options are limited.
So it goes with the rest of the experience. To use your PC like you're used to,Touch Panel PC you're going to have to bounce back and forth between Start and Desktop, which is a constant pain.

Microsoft isn't stupid. They didn't set out to create something to annoy and limit people. The philosophy behind Windows 8 is to stay relevant in a world that's increasingly moving away from PCs and toward tablets. In fact, the Start screen could work quite well on a tablet like Microsoft's own Surface.
The problem is that PCs are being dragged along for the ride. It's obvious that Windows 8 wasn't made with these computers in mind, and that Desktop was included as a stopgap measure to keep the versions the same.
Hopefully Microsoft will work to make things better. But as it stands right now, it's hard to recommend upgrading unless you've always wished you could make your PC into a tablet.
Microsoft Windows 8
$40 to upgrade from XP, Vista or Windows 7
Pros: Attractive, well-animated, tight social media integration, few bugs
Cons: Experience must be learned from near-scratch, inability to resize or view multiple windows, must shuttle between two different operating systems to access all features
Robert Evatt 918-581-8447
(c)2012 Tulsa World (Tulsa, Okla.)
Visit Tulsa World (Tulsa, Okla.) at www.tulsaworld.com
Distributed by MCT Information Services

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I am writing this paragraph on a tablet in a coffee shop. That's no big deal. As I look around, I see several people working on Apple AAPL -0.77% iPads. But the tablet I'm using is very different—historic, actually. It's the first personal computer made byMicrosoftMSFT -2.12% a company determined for decades to make only the software driving others' computers.

With this device, called Surface, Microsoft is adopting the model of its longtime rival, Apple, which has always believed that the better way to deliver digital products is to build them end-to-end, including hardware, operating system and core apps, and an ecosystem of downloadable apps and content. That is what Microsoft is doing now with the Surface tablet, 2½ years after the iPad was born.


The Surface tablet with the Touch Cover, which uses molded keys, comes in bright colors and costs $120, and a sturdy kickstand for typing on a desk.

I have been testing the Surface almost daily for three weeks and I like it. It's beautifully and solidly built and it's the purest expression of Microsoft's new Windows 8 touch-screen operating system which, like the Surface, goes on sale on Friday. The new operating system also works on laptops and desktops. It can be operated with a mouse or touch pad, but its dramatically different, touch-optimized user interface begs to be used on a touch-screen tablet.

Tablet Wars

See how some of the more popular tablets stack up.

This isn't a cheap iPad knockoff. It's a unique tablet, made of a type of magnesium with a feeling of quality and care. The Surface starts at the same $499 base price as the large iPad, albeit with 32 gigabytes of storage, twice Apple's entry offering. Other versions cost $599 and $699. Unlike the iPad, the Surface is Wi-Fi only. It lacks a cellular-data option.

Office and Keyboards

As fluid as the Surface is with touch and the tabletlike touch apps Windows 8 supports, Microsoft has given the tablet the ability to behave like a familiar Windows PC, at least in some scenarios. It comes with full versions of standard Microsoft Word, Excel and PowerPoint. The three programs worked fine, in creating documents and in editing ones from older versions of the software.

Microsoft has designed two clever, very thin, optional keyboards that snap on magnetically and double as covers. These are better than any of the add-on keyboards I've seen for the iPad. And Microsoft has built in a standard USB port and a sturdy kickstand for typing on a desk. One keyboard, the Touch Cover, uses molded keys, comes in bright colors and costs $120. It's bundled with the costlier models. The second, a rigid, black version with movable keys called the Type Cover, costs $130.

There is a downside to these keyboards: They are almost useless on your lap. There is no hinge to keep the screen upright and the kickstand works poorly on your legs. Despite that, these features make the Surface better for traditional productivity tasks than any tablet I've tested.

A Paucity of Apps

Still, there are rough edges to the Surface. The biggest is a paucity of apps for the new touch interface. At launch, Microsoft estimates there will be only about 10,000 third-party such apps available globally, of which about 5,000 will be available in the U.S. More important, many popular titles, like Facebook, will be missing. That's a tiny number of apps compared with the 700,000 touch-operated apps that run on the iPad.

And there is more bad news about apps. This first edition of Surface uses a variant of Windows 8, called RT, that can't run the vast array of traditional programs many Windows users rely upon daily, like Google Chrome, Adobe Photoshop, Apple iTunes or even Microsoft's own Outlook. A second edition of the Surface, due in January, will run the full version of Windows 8, and most of these standard Windows programs. But it will be heavier.

Mediocre Battery Life

Surface, which is about as thin, but a bit heavier, than the full-size iPad, displayed much weaker battery life in my tests—about seven hours versus 10 for the iPad. That's better than many Android tablets, but not what you'd expect from Microsoft's pride and joy.

I tested the battery life using the same test I use on all tablets. I set the screen to 75% brightness, leave on the Wi-Fi to collect email in the background, and play videos back to back until the battery dies.

Screen and Cameras

The screen on the Surface is 10.6 inches, larger and skinnier than the big iPad's. It was sharp and vivid in my tests, but inferior to the Retina display on the third-generation Apple tablet, which has much higher resolution. The cameras were a disappointment. They took only fair pictures. The rear camera has a mere 1 megapixel in resolution. Microsoft says it tuned the camera more for video, but in my tests videos were only OK.

Touch Keyboard

The touch keyboard is fast and easy to use. It can be switched among several styles—a standard configuration, a more cramped one with an added top row of number keys, and a split style, as on the iPad, for thumb typing. You can also summon a panel for handwriting input, though Microsoft doesn't include a stylus.

Built-in Apps

Surface has the same built-in new-style apps as every Windows 8 PC, and the same app store. Like other Windows 8 machines, the Surface starts up in the new, radically different, tile-based Start screen.

The built-in apps include a touch version of Internet Explorer, an email program, and programs for social networking, instant messaging, photos, maps, videos, music and more. In addition, while Surface doesn't run most old-style Windows apps, it includes some standard old Windows programs like the calculator, notepad and file explorer.

All of the built-in apps worked fine for me, except Mail, which lacks common features like a unified inbox, and an unread-mail folder. It also doesn't support one of the two common types of consumer email systems, called POP. Microsoft concedes the Mail app needs to be improved.

On the other hand, the Music app, called Xbox Music, holds great promise. It lets users download songs like iTunes, organize them into "stations" like Pandora does, and stream them free like Spotify.

Third-party apps sometimes showed problems. Evernote took a long time to synchronize my account, and the Kindle app had to stop every few pages to fetch the next section of a book, even if the book had been Touch Panel PC downloaded. It also messed up some pages.


I ran into a number of bugs while testing, some serious. All but one notable one were resolved by the time I wrote this review. It involves the inability of the Surface to authenticate with Microsoft services, like the app store, with some kinds of broadband modems and routers. Microsoft concedes this bug is known, but is still investigating. In my tests, this bug affected me in only one of my several test locations, but one is too many.

Bottom Line

Microsoft's Surface is a tablet with some pluses: the major Office apps and nice, optional keyboards. If you can live with its tiny number of third-party apps, and somewhat disappointing battery life, it may give you the productivity some miss in other tablets.

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