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  3月19日晚,第六届亚洲电影大奖在香港湾仔国际会展中心顺利落幕,最佳电影和最佳导演两项大奖都毫无意外颁给曾成功获得今年奥斯卡最佳外语片的小制作电影《伊朗式分居》,印尼演员Teddy SOERIAATMADJA和“桃姐”叶德娴分获帝后。另外,刘德华凭借《桃姐》获得观众票选最爱男演员奖。



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VARNA機場大約與台灣的台東機場相似,從機場到各國隊伍居住的飯店約一個小時的車程,當地夏季農作早已收割,農民們體恤令大地有了休息的契機,沿途乾燥的黑色土壤與壓成碎片的玉米梗,還有那用來劃分農地界線延綿不絕的樹林,彷彿是塗上 Cafe latte 顏色的北海道農村。






各國運動員與隊職員們住在高爾夫球渡假中心 Lighthouse Golf&Spa Resort,座落在離競賽地點KAVARNA小鎮,還有9km路程的黑海海岸上的BALCHIK,廣大的18洞高爾夫球場度假村外,被更廣大休耕的玉米田與向日葵田包圍,各國長跑選手都在度假村中活動筋骨,而高爾夫球場充斥著世界各地來的好手四處奔跑,也成為在保加利亞這五天來的一種衝突的景觀。




當我偷偷跑在規定不能跑的果嶺上時,令我想起10年在日本北海道專為長跑選手訂做的草皮上集訓的日子,而我跑出度假村肆意的奔馳在玉米田上時,又讓我回憶起在甘肅蘭州在白虎山下的塵土飛揚,但抵達競賽場地的小鎮上時,我卻如同拆開魏振展送我的生日禮物竟然是台北市家具協會贈品的驚訝,我從未見過如此地比小鎮還小鎮的小鎮,這次世界半程馬拉松錦標賽是環繞賽 (總四圈=21.0975km),我也橫跨了整個小鎮四次,起終點在這直徑約不到三公里的小鎮的中心 City hall 前,這條逾兩百多公尺的鋪磚步行街,比喻為台北東區也不為過,City hall 後方就是住宅區,有一棟三星級的旅館與一間毫不起眼的教堂及一群揮手打招呼的少男少女,而比賽日期是在星期六,顯然地在這不顯眼的教堂下有一種虔誠的精神滾滾流動著,儘管再多麼的微不足道,微不足到連Google map都找不到的情況之下,也一定要將星期天的安息日空下,留給了那最親愛的天父阿爸。 



而小鎮雖小卻五臟俱全,咖啡廳、酒吧、理髮廳、銀行郵局、服飾店,應有。雖有廣大的農地卻不會因為過度滿足個人的慾望而無限擴展,應此舖上磚塊的步行街就略顯狹窄,所以繞圈賽的 turn round 也跟著縮水,各隊運動員在觀看競賽路線時也感到訝異與新奇,尤其是長期在優良環境下比賽與訓練的日本隊隊員,更是一邊練習迴轉、一邊拍照留念,競賽的沿途風景也逃不離那都是休耕玉米田農地,而眺望遠方可見一支支佇立在大地上的白色風車,潔白美麗的令人忘卻了對於增加競賽過程中困難度那呼嘯而過陣陣海上的風。   



世界半程馬拉松錦標賽參賽男子選手共86人,在中午十一點(30度;濕度85%)時接受大自然與彼此的挑戰,肯亞與伊索匹亞選手率先衝出,以看不見車尾燈的速度前進,我以自己的配速跟隨在墨西哥與美國隊選手的後方,沒過多久便聽見熟悉的BB兩聲,一耳就認出是臺灣產的GARMIN GPS手錶,肯定是一公里到了,我看一下時間,3:00”。隨著公里數的增加,隊伍拉成一條長龍,我的前方人數多的無法細數,我依著訓練後的自動化與自我感覺,向前面配速過快而失速的運動員一個個追擊,而被我追到的選手像那被抓上岸的魚,緊跟著我大口呼吸的做最後掙扎;賽道為直線緩上下坡組成,起終的在賽道中央而形成一種T字型環繞、高低差為U字型賽道,坡度雖平緩,但11次的減速迴轉和漫長的上坡與濕熱的氣候令運動員們敗下陣來,日本隊有兩位半程馬拉松最佳成績61分內的選手,也不敵頑強的環境與衛生條件不佳的飲食,肯亞與伊索匹亞也各有一位棄賽。競賽中我的戰術就是保持平穩、下坡放鬆、追逐與超越,最終以第五十名完賽(1:07:21”),與冠軍相差了+7:02”,與個人最佳成績相差了1:17”,綜合探討其他國家成績,也比最佳成績+2分左右,而個人自評67分鐘的成績在水準內,卻不算太出色的成績。   












注一:以下節錄於 臺灣長跑競技網   2012年世界半程馬拉松錦標賽圓滿落幕了,台灣在相隔15年之後終於又回到這場世界級賽事,下一屆將於2014/03/29在丹麥哥本哈根(Copenhagen, Denmark )舉行,在一流的城市跟來自於全世界的長跑好手競技與交流,不僅對於選手的眼界與國際觀大有助益,對於人脈的建立與互動更是難得的機會。今年田協國際組組長與張嘉哲選手跨出了成功的體育外交,希望不到一年半之後下一屆賽事,台灣能繼續參與這場世界級饗宴。 今年對於張嘉哲來說真是特別的一年,2月在別府大分馬拉松跑出2:19:24,挑戰奧運B標失敗;4月深入神秘的北韓,在萬景台馬拉松以2:16:06達標奧運。




註:  張嘉哲同時保有我國歷年在世錦賽馬拉松最佳的名次(第28名)與我國歷年在世錦賽馬拉松最佳的成績2:19:32。



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第一名上岸的南非選手Anel Stewart,才剛在7/8大阪舉辦的亞洲盃以2小時15分12秒拿下女子第9名。這次她從游泳項目保持領先,游泳和自由車項目都比第二名香港選手各快3分鐘,實力相距很大。





















直到路跑段開始分出勝負,第1、2圈James Chronis(前)和Anthony McSweeney(後)一直保持這個位置。














































































由於這場賽事和南投超級鐵人三項的中潭公路馬拉松撞期,很多菁英好手分散在兩個比賽場地,雖然沒辦法看到更多國內菁英的較勁,但是鐵人意志到哪裡都一樣,最大的敵人就是自己。最後由Michal Bucek以2小時02分27秒拿下冠軍,國訓隊的王顥翔則是以2小時02分42秒的些微差距緊跟在後,年輕小將蔡曜宇賽前胸口就有疼痛的狀況,賽中雖然不時發作,還是穩穩的以2小時03分31秒拿下第3名,希望他下次表現更棒喔!






































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  白静被夫所杀 婆婆去世是直接诱因






  两人凌晨还在争吵 门上血迹还没擦掉






  白静被杀,周成海自杀 均身亡




  周成海身价十几个亿 白静曾伙同外人骗夫钱财









  腾讯微博悼念白静 望其一路走好




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網站抓取策略和網站排名算法,下面就從這兩方面談一下Web2.0技術對SEO(Search Engine Optimization,搜索引擎優化)的影響。



現在無論是通過Google、MSN, 還是Yahoo進行搜索,RSS都會出現在搜索結果中,例如,當你用Google搜索一個非常流行的Blog——boing boing,你會發現排名第三的就是FeedBurner記載該Blog的Flog,實際上我們會發現Google確實給擁有Flog的網站額外的PR值。

當然某些網站不希望部分RSS被搜索引擎索引,RSS2.0已經可以為RSS Flogs添加標示,類似noindex, follow,搜索引擎將不再索引你的RSS。



補充材料(Supplemental Result), 是Google輔助索引的一部分。對輔助索引進行抓取的限制少于主要索引。例如,一個網址的參量可能使該網站無法被抓取到主要索引中,但仍可能被抓取到Google的補充索引里。





某位搜索引擎關注者曾經有6個相同主題的網站,這些網站都是用同一個數據庫生成的,其中有100多個網頁的內容幾乎完全一樣,而且都是用XHTML CSS技術設計。在這些網站中,只有一個網站的所有網頁不是補充材料,其他的網站的頁面,除了首頁之外全部都是補充材料。因此懷疑補充材料是由于復制網頁造成的。



在分析了不是補充材料的網站的網頁后,還發現只有這個網站的Description書寫規范,Description內容由成段的句子組成,與網頁的內容吻合; 而被作為補充材料的網頁,Description內容書寫得都很不規范,都是將要害詞堆砌幾遍。發現這個問題后,搜索引擎關注者將其中某些網站網頁的Description修改為規范的寫法,以期觀察。但是由于Google幾個月都不更新這些頁面,無法觀察到結果。于是,搜索引擎關注者又用同樣的數據庫,做了兩個網站,這兩個網站的內容與以前的網站幾乎完全相同,但是Description采用規范的寫法。這兩個網站被Google收錄后,所有網頁都不是補充材料。

由此,得出結論,Google補充材料形成的原因是: 網頁的Description寫法不規范。






1. 網頁的Description寫法不規范

解決網頁被Google列為補充材料的主要方法,就是規范書寫Description。不要在Description里堆砌要害詞,Description的內容要與頁面的內容吻合; 保持合理的網站結構,確保每個頁面都有連接指向,并且連接不被埋藏得很深。

2. 有網址規范化問題。也就是帶有www和沒有www的兩個網址版本都在數據庫中,其中一個就有可能被標為補充材料。


3. 有時候已經被刪除的網頁,也就是實際上應該返回404錯誤的URL,會被列為補充材料; 或者域名已經過期了,也有時會被標成補充材料。

4. 有時候站長在改動網頁之后,新舊內容的兩個版本的網頁都會出現在Google索引中; 糟糕的是,其中一個會被標為補充材料。

5. 復制內容網頁。很多轉載或抄襲的內容會被標為補充材料。因為Google也沒辦法判定哪一個是原創的,所以有時候原創者也會遭殃。

6. 網頁上相同或相似的內容太多。比如導航系統占網頁內容比例比較大,而正文部分比較小。(作者系SEO專家) 

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Bellevue, WA — ITTIA announces the availability of its embedded database for the ARM™architecture. ITTIA provides embedded relational database software for developers of applications for mobile devices and other embedded systems. With ITTIA DB SQL's robust data management framework and ARM's hardware architecture, data is managed and accessed in a flexible and efficient way. Customers from industries such as consumer electronics, clean energy, medical devices, and robotics have already built state of art applications with ITTIA DB SQL on ARM.

ITTIA customers have reflected great interest in developing ARM-based embedded applications and, in response to this demand, ITTIA has continuously demonstrated its commitment and ability in providing a lightweight, high-performance, relational database solution on ARM.

The combination of ITTIA DB SQL data management abilities with ARM's low-power chips offers a great solution to protect data integrity, organize information, and share or distribute data across embedded development ecosystems.

ITTIA DB SQL is an ideal candidate for embedded and mobile applications developers on ARMTM cores, including StrongARM, ARM7TDMI, ARM9TDMI, ARM7EJ, ARM9E, ARM10E, XScale, ARM11, ARM Cortex-M, ARM Embedded System Cortex-A, ARM Cortex-M, and ARM Cortex-R.

For application developers looking to make a trade-off between the flexibility offered by the traditional relational data management model and a rapid time to market, ensured with low-power consumption, ITTIA DB SQL on ARM is an ideal, cost-effective solution.

A free copy of ITTIA DB SQL, for ARM is available for evaluation at:

Free Video to Learn About ITTIA DB SQL architecture and features in few minutes:

ITTIA offers database solutions for platforms where limited memory, storage, and processing power makes software development challenging. ITTIA develops fast, high performance database products and tools with the goal of providing excellent data management software for embedded systems and devices. ITTIA products are designed to be suitable for application development and deployment at a significantly reduced cost. ITTIA customers include GlaxoSmithKline, VNU, Boeing, Moodys, Sandia National Laboratory, Puget Sound Energy and others. You can obtain more information about ITTIA at:www.ittia.com.


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Seamless ultra-high bandwidth upgrade to global installed base of market leading multi-service broadband access solution portfolio
GRIEFSWALD, Germany— (October 17, 2012)—ADTRAN®, Inc., (NASDAQ:ADTN), a leading provider of next-generation networking solutions, today announced the addition of system-level vectoring to its comprehensive global broadband portfolio. Vectoring enables service providers to maximize their network infrastructure by leveraging deep fiber deployments and VDSL2 over existing customer drop facilities to deliver ultra-broadband services delivering up to 200Mbps to the home based on two-pair bonding and enabling premium entertainment services.
ADTRAN’s embedded base of more than 100,000 multi-service access nodes (MSANs) and 100,000 small form-factor DSLAM sites affords its existing customer base tremendous upgrade potential without requiring a major overhaul to existing infrastructure in order to deliver competitive speeds and services. Additionally, ADTRAN’s top three global VDSL2 market share position and early leadership with vectoring standards and technology development offers unique experience that carriers worldwide can leverage. ADTRAN has helped the world’s leading service providers deliver business services for more than 25 years, and has been a top tier provider of residential solutions for the last decade as well. Carriers are demanding converged solutions so that consumer and business services can be delivered over the same access network and, at the same time, they must also offer speeds competitive with DOCSIS 3.0 enabled networks and contain costs to insure viable business cases. These market drivers, along with the maturity of key next generation technologies in recent years and ADTRAN’s core competency of customer partnership, create an inflection point for ADTRAN and its large embedded customer base to make the most of all the benefits that vectoring has to offer.
System-level vectoring allows service providers to realize ultra-broadband speeds, delivering up to 200Mbps to the home based on two-pair bonding and enabling premium entertainment services. With the rapid uptake of high-definition television, video on demand services and consumer voice over IP (VoIP), traditional fixed access service providers have been looking for a way to remain competitive against cable MSOs. Fiber-to-the-Home (FTTH) deployments are being utilized for a portion of their subscriber base, but a solution is still needed to serve remaining customers, including those in the “final third” service areas. VDSL2 vectoring uses crosstalk cancellation, an advanced DSL transmission technology and improves subscriber bandwidth by up to 90%.
ADTRAN was among the first to demonstrate system-level vectoring and the release of solutions within its hiX 5600 and Total Access 5000 MSANs and Total Access 1100 and 1200 small form-factor access nodes, ADTRAN is enabling carriers to achieve affordable and competitive broadband service delivery. The ADTRAN portfolio is one of the world’s most comprehensive; easily and economically addressing all environmental, powering and line-size challenges. ADTRAN’s system-level vectoring implementation connects multiple broadband units to create a domain across multi-system pairs in a single group, thus improving vectoring gains and eliminating the complex binder management required by less capable 48-port only solutions known as board-level vectoring.
“With vectoring technologies, service providers now have a complete fixed broadband access tool box that not only allows them to offer an expansive portfolio of deep fiber solutions, but also complements their next generation optical services,” said Stephen Wilson, senior analyst from Informa. “The system-level vectoring that ADTRAN is bringing to market is giving service providers the ability to deliver ultra-broadband services with better performance using field-proven outside plant technology.”
“One of the objectives in bringing vectoring technology to our fixed access broadband portfolio was to provide a flexible solution that allows service providers to economically meet their most challenging service delivery objectives,” said Dr. Eduard Scheiterer, Managing Director, ADTRAN GmbH. “Whether it is deploying a standalone, weatherproof solution that can be deployed in any environment, like the Total Access 1148V, or a modular MSAN solution that maximizes existing network assets found in the hiX5600 or Total Access 5000, ADTRAN is dramatically lowering deployment costs and improving the performance of vectored VDSL2 for service providers worldwide.”
ADTRAN’s Total Access 1148V vectored VDSL2 broadband access system provides an innovative approach to the successful deployment of fiber to the cabinet (FTTC) architectures. Key features of the product include:
Delivers ultra-low total cost of ownership (TCO) for voice and video delivery
Environmentally sealed and temperature-hardened design tailored for deployment in extreme environmental conditions
Passively cooled for completely silent deployment in sensitive residential areas
Provides high service capacity with 10 Gigabit optical Ethernet uplinks
Allows simple system scalability from Embedded System 48 to 192 ports and beyond with system-level vectoring

Reduces installation cost via flexible powering options (span, AC, and DC powering)
Introduction of VDSL2 vectoring technology in the ADTRAN hiX 5600 and the Total Access 5000 product families gives operators greater ability to fully utilize their valuable network assets. The VDSL2 vectoring application provides a future-proof solution with characteristics like:
Best in class FTTB/FTTC copper solutions in all conditions in combination with advanced ADTRAN indoor and outdoor cabinet solutions
A financially feasible upgrade path for latest copper technology without the need for complete network restructuring
Fully compatible with the current installed base of hiX 5600 and Total Access 5000 nodes
A scalable solution starting from 48 port board-level vectoring up to multi-card system-level vectoring


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Software partitioning has a role in making industrial infrastructure secure, writes Alexander Damisch, director for industrial markets at Wind River

Security issues in industrial markets have been receiving much attention in the media. The vast majority of devices that power infrastructures offer aging technology in many cases and are not well prepared for the latest cyber security threats.

Taking the energy grid as an example: one does not have to be a scientist to find the holes when approximately 70% of the infrastructure is more than 30 years old.

Devices that were never designed for a connected world in the first place are wide open for attacks. Utility providers and the dominating players that power this market are under intense pressure; critical infrastructure is supposed to be stable, robust and often certified for functional safety requirements.

While safety systems are left untouched following certification for risk, complexity and cost reasons, a secure system is only secure if it is able to withstand the latest vulnerabilities. The contradiction between the lifecycle of safety and security is a very expensive challenge today. However, the good news is that embedded virtualization can alleviate these security challenges.

To provide a solution that can be retrofitted to an existing infrastructure, new security devices are often integrated with existing devices. Firewalls, IPS, IDS or other boxes add to the CAPEX cost, but also increase the complexity of the supply chain management for installations that have may have a lifecycle of 25 years or more.

New systems are designed with both safety and security in mind. Functions that would be in separate boxes in the existing infrastructure can be consolidated to reduce the CAPEX burden and avoid even greater costs in supply chain management.

This idea is not new: consolidating workload into more intelligent systems by leveraging improved hardware architectures that support virtualization creates a significant opportunity to meet today’s architectural challenges.

One proven approach to security is to keep devices that need to be secure away from general access: for example, physically or virtually separated from networks such as the Internet.

The implication of this approach is that physically separate devices and networks need to be built for secure versus insecure devices. In general, this is impractical because of the expense and redundancy involved. A more cost-effective solution is to leverage embedded virtualization.

Virtualization for embedded systems that operates at the processor and board level is called a hypervisor. A hypervisor allows several virtual systems to run on a single piece of hardware efficiently. Hypervisors can be used to consolidate several systems into one, saving material costs; reducing size, weight and power; and reducing supply chain costs and complexity. Virtualization with a hypervisor can also allow developers to partition a system for functional, security and safety reasons.

Virtualization technology can also provide an OS-agnostic, safe and secure partitioning layer. This addresses a key concern of the market today: ensuring that different services on a device do not impact each other for security and safety.

This ability to securely combine different partitions not only reduces the development costs, but also the operating and capital costs. Using fewer chips and boards reduces the capital cost of the product.

OPEX is also reduced with less inventory and spares and a simpler process for upgrading hardware and software. Now, any new patches or updates to parts of the system software will not affect the real-time operation of the system, nor require lengthy testing and re-certification.

The move to virtualization extends the lifecycle of embedded products. Existing code can run on its own secure partition running an RTOS while new features can be added to the non-real-time partition running an OS such as Linux or Microsoft Windows for the user interface.

To implement this efficiently, virtualization uses hardware enhancements specific to a CPU architecture, enabling all the advantages with minimal impact on performance and latency, especially for the hardware-assisted isolation between partitions.

This strategy greatly extends the life of an embedded product without the expense of having to rewrite real-time embedded code, add and re-certify drivers or redesign hardware. This is a particular issue for systems that combine real-time capability and user interface in one operating system – when there are patches or updates to the OS, the whole design has to be re-tested and possibly re-certified to ensure there is no impact on the real-time operation.

The influence of machine-to-machine (M2M) networks is growing and many devices now need additional gateways, firewalls and other communication functions. Virtualization is an excellent way of adding these to the system through the non-real time operating system without having to change and re-certify the real-time elements of the software or change the hardware.

One proposed architecture that is fast gaining ground is to provide more localized and connected processing power close to where it is needed, often as a gateway to the wider Internet. Local traffic can be processed quickly and acted on, while the data is still available to the wider systems across the Internet, whether it is a train, a manufacturing floor or a power plant. This approach provides the ability to consolidate a number of functions from communications to data processing. This is costly and complex when implemented in separate boxes. The ability to consolidate a wide range of functions reliably and securely into an intelligent single unit is more cost effective and becoming increasingly popular.

This trend has implications for security. Consolidating workloads in a single device means communications are linked to real-time operations and the flow of data. This means there is a need to keep certain functions highly separated.

Safety-critical code must be protected and unchanged to retain its certification, and yet the security that protects the system has to be updated regularly to defend against ever changing attacks. At the same time, there are communications protocols and data capture in the system that need real-time performance alongside human interfaces that can be run at slower speeds.

All of this provides a potentially highly complex environment. The traditional approach has been to have separate devices for each of these functions, such as the communications and real-time elements.

However, security needs to be deeply embedded within the system to provide maximum protection; and physical separation leads to a number of architectural challenges that can be expensive to solve.

Virtualization has already opened up a wide range of new applications in IT, but the ability to provide true real-time performance alongside a mainstream OS opens up yet more embedded opportunities in new and existing markets.

Smart-grid networks, manufacturing systems, and transportation are all set to benefit from the consolidation of workloads and the separation of communication and security functions on to a single core. This allows cost-effective development of secure, reliable and future-proof embedded systems. Running the same operating systems on both a single- and multi-core Embedded System device opens up a platform of equipment that can scale from a single core to many, all with the same software base.

Consolidation of workloads also has a significant effect on the capital and operational expenditures. Building a single unit with a single board rather than multiple units with multiple boards reduces the upfront costs. Millions of M2M devices are being rolled out, connected to hundreds of thousands of gateway units, so this is a significant saving in the upfront cost.

Decoupling the software lifecycle of different elements and still being able to use a single device can reduce expenses. All of this can provide dramatic savings in development time and equipment cost, allowing more processing performance to sit closer to where it is needed in the network and support lower cost sensors and terminals in the home or on the factory floor.

While industrial markets are undergoing a revolution, safety and security are the driving forces behind new processes and standards. Increased regulations are subjecting more embedded devices to rigorous and expensive certification processes ensuring standards compliance. Wind River’s safe and secure partitioning solutions for industrial and automotive applications, further demonstrate this shift.

Wind River’s safe and secure partitioning capability is designed and implemented for safety certification and decoupling the lifecycle of certified and non-certified applications. This provides the option for increased innovation of the non-certified applications and reduces ongoing system certification costs while enabling the benefits of consolidation.


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Exciting new opportunity, for an Embedded Engineer to join a very specialist company based in the West Midlands. This is a 9 month fixed term contract with the expectation you will remain permanent after this period of time.

You will be offered to chance to work with an award-winning company that design and manufactures industry leading products to global companies. They have a small and friendly R&D team that takes responsibility in designing and developing new products.

The successful Embedded Engineer Embedded System will be supporting the company's products as well as developing projects through design and development of Embedded and Windows systems.

You will be offered a 9 month fixed term contract, with all the perks of a permanent employee including pension, annual leave and such.

You will be responsible for design and development of Embedded Systems, as well as specifying and configuration from scratch. You will also offer testing resource and will have an impact on process'.

The successful Embedded Engineer will have experience with:

-Embedded Software Design and development


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Oracle has announced two new Java products for embedded systems, with the aim of getting the object-oriented language running on as wide a range of devices as possible, including ones with very limited resources.

Tuesday's new addition to the database giant's Java Platform, Micro Edition (Java ME) lineup, Oracle Java ME Embedded 3.2 shrinks Java's footprint down to levels that are almost unthinkable in the modern PC era. Derived from the version of Java ME that runs on feature phones, it supports devices with ARM processors and as little as 130KB RAM and 350KB ROM.

What that means is that for the first time, Java is within reach of developers of small, low-power embedded devices, such as microcontrollers for industrial applications, home automation, environmental sensors, and machine-to-machine (M2M) systems.

Because of the unique requirements of such devices, Java ME Embedded allows developers to create systems that can be operated remotely, and software updates can be downloaded and applied on the fly, including adding new features without affecting the existing ones.

But the real advantage of using Java for embedded applications, Oracle says, is that its high-level code allows devices makers to be more flexible.

"With Oracle Java ME Embedded 3.2, applications for small embedded devices are no longer tied to a single hardware platform," Oracle said in a press release. "Customers can now develop software in parallel with their hardware development to help improve productivity and achieve faster time to market."

Naturally, Oracle has released an SDK Embedded System to go along with the new version of the platform, including plugins for Eclipse, and it says it will soon make available a standard binary that can be used for rapid prototyping on ARM development boards.

Meanwhile, Oracle also announced a second Java product for embedded systems with less rigid hardware constraints, including network appliances, healthcare devices, home gateways and routers, and devices such as multi-function printers.

Dubbed Oracle Embedded Suite, it's essentially a complete middleware stack designed to run on Java-powered embedded devices, including an integrated web server, the Glassfish for Embedded application server, the Java DB database, and the Jersey Web Services Framework.

The idea is that by integrating all of these application components in an embedded system, Java developers can use their existing skillsets to build devices that can both offer services and collect their own data, which can later be synchronized with enterprise systems.

Oracle's big embedded push comes mere days before it kicks off this year's JavaOne conference, set to take place from September 30 through October 4 as part of the database giant's massive OpenWorld event, which takes over entire blocks of downtown San Francisco each year.

This year's JavaOne will include over 60 conference sessions devoted to embedded Java technologies, Oracle says, including a new, business-focused track that offers executives and decision makers the full sales pitch. ®


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Industry leading performance and VxWorks RTOS support for embedded applications

Taipei, Taiwan, - VIA Technologies, Inc, a leading innovator of power efficient computing platforms, today announced the VIA ETX-8X90 module which features a 1.2GHz VIA NanoTM X2 E-Series dual core processor and the VIA VX900 media system processor (MSP), providing industry leading performance in a power efficient design. The VIA ETX-8X90 module provides a highly integrated and compact platform for embedded applications in medical, test and measurement, industrial automation and transportation.

The modular design approach allows for short time-to market, application-specific customization, simplified development, high stability and long life cycles enabling customers to rapidly develop new and innovative devices. Customers can take advantage of a proprietary start-up kit including a multi-I/O baseboard reference, or can utilize extensive technical support from VIA in developing a custom baseboard. In addition to support for the embedded industry leading VxWorks RTOS, the VIA ETX-8X90 runs a wide range of Windows and Linux based operating systems.

“We continue to broaden the range of our Computer-on-Module portfolio with the addition of the ETX legacy form factor,” said Epan Wu Head of the VIA Embedded Platform Division, VIA Technologies, Inc. “The VIA ETX-8X90 module provides industry leading processing performance in the shape of the VIA Nano X2 E processor allowing existing ETX customers to quickly scale to today’s requirements.”

About the VIA ETX-8X90 Module
Measuring 114mm x 95mm, the VIA ETX-8X90 module is based on the industry standard ETX (Embedded Technology eXtended) legacy form factor and combines a 1.2GHz VIA Nano X2 E-Series dual core processor with the VIA VX900 MSP, providing hardware acceleration of the most demanding video formats including VC1, WMV9, MPEG-2 and H.264.

The VIA ETX-8X90 offers support Embedded System for up to 4GB of DDR3 memory as well as the latest display connectivity standards including 18/24-bit dual-channel LVDS, one VGA port with resolutions up to 2560 x 1600, four USB 2.0 and two mini USB ports, two PCI and one ISA bus, one SATA port, one IDE and two COM ports as well as one 10/100 Ethernet on module.

For more information on the VIA ETX-8X90, please visit:

About VIA Technologies, Inc.
VIA Technologies, Inc is the foremost fabless supplier of power efficient x86 processor platforms that are driving system innovation in the PC, client, ultra mobile and embedded markets. Combining energy-saving processors with digital media chipsets and advanced connectivity, multimedia and networking silicon enables a broad spectrum of computing and communication platforms, including its widely acclaimed ultra compact mainboards. Headquartered in Taipei, Taiwan, VIA’s global network links the high tech centers of the US, Europe and Asia, and its customer base includes the world’s top OEMs and system integrators. www.via.com.tw


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MIDDLETON, Wis., 14 Oct. 2012. Extreme Engineering Solutions (X-ES) in Middleton, Wis., is introducing the XPedite5650 conduction- or air-cooled Mini COM Express embedded computing module for military embedded systems, as well as for industrial and communications applications where size, weight, and power (SWaP) are primary design considerations.

The XPedite5650 single-board computer, which measures 55 by 84 millimeters, supports the Freescale QorIQ P2041 quad-core processor, four gigabytes of memory, a ruggedized design, and is designed and tested for harsh military, aerospace, and industrial environments.

The rugged computer board is designed and tested for operation from -40 to 85 degrees Celsius, includes additional mounting holes for increased structural integrity, provides extended shock and vibration, soldered-down memory, tin-lead soldering, and offers built-in test (BIT).
The XPedite5650 also has two Gigabit Ethernet ports (one 1000BASE-T and one 1000BASE-X), two serial ports, two USB 2.0 ports, and two SATA 3.0 ports. Linux, Wind River VxWorks, and Green Hills Embedded System INTEGRITY operating system software are available.

Related stories

-- 3U CompactPCI development system for conduction-cooled embedded computing introduced by X-ES

-- X-ES introduces new 3U CompactPCI module to line of Intel Core i7 processor-based products

-- Conduction-cooled PrPMC/XMC embedded computer based on Freescale QorIQ processor introduced by X-ES.
An XPand6000 series system can be bolted to almost any available surface of a small unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV), ground vehicle, or heavy equipment. In an extremely small and lightweight package weighing as little as 3.5 pounds and measuring 72 cubic inches, X-ES officials say.
XPand6000 series systems combine high-performance processing and application specific I/O added via PMCs/XMCs, such as MIL-STD-1553, CANbus, video input, RS-232/422, GPIO, A/D, and D/A for the most SWaP constrained applications.
For XPedite5650 development, X-ES provides the CX-DP desktop setup with standard I/O connectors. It provides basic COM Express I/O via fixed connectors, accessible through the back panel of its ATX chassis.


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AAEON, a leading industrial computing manufacturer, released today the AEC-6637 fanless embedded computer, the most compact and powerful model of its kind powered by the 3rd Generation Intel® Core™ i7/ i5 processor. Also featured is the latest Tri-Gate transistors and 22nm technology, with integrated HD4000 graphics that nearly doubles the graphics performance over its predecessor, complimented by the latest Intel® QM77 chipset offering more I/O interfaces and faster connectivity. High performance and the fastest connectivity, the AEC-6637 serve performance demanding applications such as industrial automation, building automation and transportation markets which typically have space constraints.

The AEC-6637 comes with a DDR3 1066/1333/1600MHz SODIMM slot to support a maximum of 8GB of memory. Featuring superior connectivity with two 5 Gb/sec USB3.0 ports, one Full HD display via VGA, two Gigabit Ethernet, three RS-232 ports, one RS-232/422/485 port, one Line-out, the AEC-6877 provides extremely fast connections for enhanced efficiency with rich I/Os. The AEC-6637 offers a 6 Gb/sec SATAIII connector that can support a 2.5” HDD for storage and also offers a CFast slot that can support Cfast card for storage. Optional wireless features can be added via a PCIe 3.0 mini-Card slot that supports 802.11b/g/n and Bluetooth™ 3.0. The powerful and passively cooled AEC-6637 embedded computer can operate in -10~60°C (with airflow) environments. Designed with a wide voltage input range of DC 9~30V and offering four types of power protection: Over-Voltage, Low-Voltage, Short Circuit and Surge Protection, the AEC-6637 is well protected to operate in harsh environments that have unsteady power supply or variance in grounding.

“In modern day demanding manufacturing facilities, smart buildings and transportation, compact and fanless computing systems with the highest processing power and the fastest available connectivity are in high demand, said Jackie Huang, Product Manager of AAEON’s Panel Appliance & Automation Division. This is where the AEC-6637 fits right in the picture.”

Intelligent Remote Device Management and Device Monitoring
For effective remote device management, the free AAEON Hi-Manager program can be installed on each deployed AEC-6637, allowing BIOS-level remote management from a remote console. Hi-Manager can also be installed on an AEC-6637 to monitor other AAEON devices. For individual device monitoring, the free Hi-Safe program with its user-friendly monitoring interface can be installed.

Group Management using Hi-Manager
The AAEON Hi-Manager is a powerful tool based on the Intel® Active Management Technology 8.0 (iAMT 8.0) and has backward compatibility with earlier versions of iAMT. This allows users to locate all iAMT devices in the intranet, power On/Off target devices remotely, set power On/Off scheduling, arrange device groupings for better management, offer event logs and timer settings to wake up devices at specified times, recover systems that have crashed from virtual CD-ROM, remote KVM management, and access to target device hardware information for asset management. Hi-Manager can be installed on all AAEON platforms and can remotely manage AAEON client devices that use Intel® Q77, QM77 and HM76 chipsets and run Microsoft® Windows® XP, Window® 7 Operating Systems.

Status Monitoring using Hi-Safe
The AAEON Hi-Safe is a free and powerful hardware-based program geared toward SDKs for UIs running Microsoft® Windows® Operating systems. It provides an easy way to develop the end user’s own UI software to monitor vital System information such as those for the processor, RAM and VGA. It monitors received data from the Super I/O, fan, temperature and voltage, offers configuration options for Digital I/O pin direction and data, provides watchdog timer and fan speed settings, SMBus base address detection and device ID settings, optional monitoring of UPS data information and offers two modes for backlight display control if one uses the LVDS interface. Being based on the user interface SDK, no coding is needed, and customers can create their own customized user interface by downloading the function codes provided by  Embedded System AAEON.

For more product information, please contact AAEON regional sales representatives or visit www.aaeon.com.

AAEON Technology, Inc is a leading manufacturer of advanced industrial and embedded computing platforms. Committed to innovative engineering, AAEON provides integrated solutions, hardware and services for premier OEM/ODMs and system integrators worldwide. Reliable and high quality computing platforms include industrial motherboards and systems, industrial displays, rugged tablets, PC/104, PICMG and COM modules, embedded SBCs, embedded controllers and related accessories. AAEON also offers customized end-to-end services from initial product conceptualization and product development on through to volume manufacturing and after-sales service programs. AAEON is an Associate member of the Intel® Intelligent Systems Alliance.


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Ramtron International Corporation revealed today that the Zurich University of Applied Sciences Institute of Embedded Systems (ZHAW InES) recently presented a paper summarizing research conducted with Ramtron F-RAM designed into a battery-free wireless sensor node. The research, presented this summer at the European ZigBee Developers Conference in Munich, Germany, demonstrated that the use of F-RAM nonvolatile memory in energy harvesting applications can reduce energy consumption of the wireless sensor node by over 40 percent while reducing the total wireless sensor system cost, as compared to systems built with standard nonvolatile memory components.

Wireless sensor networks are designed into state-of-the-art building automation systems. A wireless switch, for example, can operate without batteries or hardwired electrical infrastructure. The switch uses energy harvested from solar, mechanical or piezoelectric input (energy formed by compressing or deforming a material). The minute amount of energy given off from the switch is sufficient to power up a transmitter that sends a radio signal to a receiver that powers up lighting or other systems in a home or office. The wireless switch is economical and eliminates wiring, battery replacement, and labor costs. A wireless switch can also provide creative design flexibility for Embedded System architects, as the wireless switch can be positioned virtually anywhere, uninhibited by wires and conduit.


F-RAM reduces cost, improves performance
Research led by ZHAW professor, Dr. Marcel Meli, concluded that the use of F-RAM nonvolatile memory in a wireless switch can improve the performance of energy harvesting powered ZigBee wireless nodes (low-power digital radio). “The justification for using a wireless switch comes from lower installation and maintenance costs, but a ZigBee-sensor requires a lot of overhead. The more energy is required, the more expensive the system,” comments Prof. Dr. Meli. “We have discovered that by using the inherently low-power F-RAM from Ramtron in our experimental board designs, more energy is available for the transmitter and other functions, like saving the processor status. We also recognize the longevity of the F-RAM cell. Compared to traditional nonvolatile memories like EEPROM or Flash, F-RAM can be rewritten virtually forever—well in excess of a typical wireless product’s lifetime.”

Prof. Dr. Meli’s research also suggests that F-RAM can reduce the total bill-of-materials associated with wireless sensor nodes powered by harvested energy. By using F-RAM to restore the state of the processor only when enough energy is available, less power management is required and there are fewer constraints on the storage system, thereby reducing system complexity and component costs.

A PDF presentation of the research by Prof. Dr. Marcel Meli and Mr. Marcel da Silva, Using F-RAM in Battery-less 802.15.4/ZigBee Applications, is available for download.


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TechNavio's analysts forecast the Global Embedded Database Management System Market 2011-2015 to grow at a CAGR of 13.5 percent over the period 2011-2015. One of the key factors contributing to this market growth is the ability of embedded DBMS to reduce the total cost of software and hardware systems. The Global Embedded Database Management System Market is also witnessing an increasing demand from small and medium-sized businesses (SMBs). However, the time to market pressure for the vendors could pose a challenge to the growth of this market.


TechNavio's report, the Global Embedded Database Management System Market 2011-2015, has been prepared based on an in-depth analysis of the market with inputs from industry experts. The report covers the Global Embedded Database Management System market landscape and its growth prospects in the coming years. The report also includes a discussion of the key vendors operating in this market.


Key vendors dominating this market space include IBM Corp., Microsoft Corp., Embedded System Oracle Corp., SAP/Sybase Corp. and InterSystems Corp.


Other vendors mentioned in the report are Empress Software Inc., Progress Software Corp. and Pervasive Software Inc.


Key questions answered in this report:

What will be the revenue of the market in 2015 and at what rate will it grow?

What key trends is this market subject to?

What is driving this market?

What are the challenges to market growth?

Who are the key vendors in this market space?

What are the opportunities and threats faced by each of these key vendors?

What are the strengths and weaknesses of each of these key vendors?


You can request one free hour of analyst time when you purchase this report. Details provided within the report.

Read more here: http://www.heraldonline.com/2012/09/20/4277617/global-embedded-database-management.html#storylink=cpy


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The backbone of the “smarter products” revolution is embedded systems. So much so, that in 2009 nearly 70% of all products contained embedded systems. While smarter products are becoming more ubiquitous—and so too the embedded systems that make them function—designing the embedded systems that make those products work is becoming more complex.

The general challenges include the increasing number of features that are required while reducing energy consumption and getting them produced in ever-shorter design/manufacturing cycles.

While meeting these new demands, embedded systems must still meet the age-old requirements of dependability and security. This webinar will look at some of the key challenges facing embedded systems and offer some best practices for ensuring they meet all the demands placed on them.


Professor Joseph Sifakis - Research Director, Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS)
Embedded Systems Design - Challenges and Work Directions

Professor Joseph Sifakis studied Electrical Engineering at the Technical University of Athens and Computer Science at the University of Grenoble. He is recognized for his pioneering work on embedded system design and verification. He contributed to the emergence of the area of model-checking, currently the most widely used verification method in industry. His current research focuses on rigorous system design and correct-by-construction techniques. Joseph Sifakis has a broad industry experience, notably though participation in a large number industrial projects and consulting.

Awards and distinctions: Turing Award 2007, CNRS Silver Medal 2001, Member of the French Academy of Sciences, of the French Academy of Engineering and of Academia Europea, Grand Officer of the French National Order of Merit, Commander of the Legion of Honour.


Dexter Johnson
Analyst at Cientifica, a business intelligence company for emerging technologies
Author and Editor of several market reports on nanotechnology
Contributing editor for IEEE Spectrum’s Tech Talk
Program Director for numerous international conferences on nanotechnology, fiber optic

Earn PDHs after completing the Embedded System Webinar and an Evaluation Form!

The IEEE Educational Activities department is now offering participants who have attended an IEEE Spectrum webinar the opportunity to earn PDH’s. To obtain a PDH certificate, please send an e-mail to eab-ceuadmin@IEEE.ORG providing:
1. Your full name
2. Email address
3. Title of webinar
4. Date of completion
Please Note: An evaluation form will be sent via e-mail to the provided e-mail address.Your certificate request will be completed within 5 business days


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Oracle has released Java ME Embedded 3.2 and Java Embedded Suite 7.0, two new additions to Oracle's line of Java Embedded technologies. Java ME Embedded is a Java runtime optimized for microcontrollers and other resource-constrained devices based on the ARM architecture. Java Embedded Suite is a Java application platform for embedded systems, which consists of Java SE Embedded, GlassFish Embedded Profile, Jersey and Java DB.

Java ME Embedded
Java ME Embedded is a runtime stack designed and optimized for embedded, low power devices such as microcontrollers and other resource-constrained devices based on the ARM chipset. By using Java technology, applications for embedded devices are no longer tied to a single hardware platform. Java ME Embedded also enables secure application upgrades in the field, providing for after-market updates to certified devices. Target markets include wireless modules for Machine to Machine (M2M) communication, industrial and building control, smart grid infrastructure, home automation, vending machines, and environmental sensors and tracking.

Java ME Embedded Product Stack

The system requirement for Java ME Embedded is an ARM architecture SoC (System on Chip), which includes ARM9, ARM11, and Cortex-M, Cortex-R, and Cortex-A chips. It requires only 130 KB RAM, 350 KB ROM for a minimal, customized configuration, and 700 KB RAM, 1500 KB ROM for a full, standard configuration.

With the Java ME SDK and IDE plug-ins, device developers get a complete application development environment. Applications can be tested and debugged on desktop computers using embedded device emulators, with built-in support for profiling and network monitoring. Also provided is the ability to deploy, debug and test applications directly on the target hardware.

For more information, please read the Java ME Embedded FAQ. The FAQ talks about both the standard and embedded-specific APIs provided by Java ME Embedded. It also discusses the differences between Java ME Embedded, Java Embedded Client and Java SE Embedded. Note that the Java ME Embedded runtime does not support hard real-time capabilities, and developers will need to leverage the underlying RTOS for native real-time operations.

Java Embedded Suite
Java Embedded Suite is a packaged Embedded System application platform that facilitates the creation of applications for more powerful embedded systems. It can be used as a foundation for building applications for devices like network appliances, medical devices, multi-function printers and military defense systems. Oracle has pre-integrated a standards-based web server, relational database server, and REST web services framework optimized for embedded devices. The stack consists of Java SE Embedded 7u6+, GlassFish 3.1+ Embedded Profile, Java DB 10.8+ and Jersey 1.11+. The Java platform has been optimized for embedded devices but remains fully compliant with the Java SE 7 and Java Servlet 3 specifications. Configuration options are available to enable deployment-specific tuning and performance optimizations.

Java Embedded Suite is available for Linux on x86 and Linux on ARM. Minimum requirements are 64 MB RAM, 66 MB ROM and a Linux kernel 2.6.28 with glibc 2.9. ARM-based devices must have an ARM V6 and V7 CPU. An evaluation implementation of Java Embedded Suite is available for download.


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