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By a News Reporter-Staff News Editor at Journal of Engineering -- From Alexandria, Virginia, VerticalNews journalists report that a patent by the inventors Dmitrovich, Janet (Round Rock, TX); Langdale, Philip Lee (Austin, TX); Robbins, James Patrick (Austin, TX); Tracey, William J. (Round Rock, TX), filed on December 29, 2007, was cleared and issued on October 2, 2012.
The patent's assignee for patent number 8281291 is International Business Machines Corporation (Armonk, NY).
News editors obtained the following quote from the background information supplied by the inventors: "The present invention relates in general to a system and method for improving memory usage for Java executable (JXE) files. More particularly, the present invention relates to a system and method for memory mapping the read-only portion of the JXE file so that the operating system can reclaim the memory when needed.
"Pervasive computing devices are available to perform a wide variety of tasks in today's business arena. Semiconductor technology has enabled devices such as mobile telephones and personal digital assistants (PDAs) to perform tasks that, until recently, were reserved for more traditional computers.
"These pervasive computing devices include more powerful operating systems. Some of these operating systems support middleware applications, such as 'virtual machines' that are adapted to run platform-neutral applications. A popular example of a virtual machine is the Java Virtual Machine (JVM). Programs written to execute using a JVM will operate on any JVM regardless of the underlying hardware and operating system used by the computing device. Underlying operating systems include Microsoft's Windows.TM. based operating systems as well as Unix-based operating systems such as IBM's AIX operating system and the Linux operating system.
"One challenge that is encountered when running an embedded virtual machine on many pervasive computing devices, especially smaller pervasive computing devices, is the smaller amount of available memory on these devices. This challenge is being addressed by the introduction of pre-linked executable images of the applications written for the virtual machine environment. In the Java environment, these pre-linked executable images are referred to as 'JXE' files. The Jxe file wraps the Java classes into one executable file, which makes the startup and distribution of Java programs easier.
"While using JXE files improves the startup and distribution of Java programs, it adds particular memory challenges. When running a JXE file from a filesystem, the entire JXE image is loaded into memory in order to execute the program. Thus, using JXE files requires the computing device to have sufficient amounts of memory to store and load into RAM all of the bytecodes included in the JXE file. This can be especially challenging when a user is using multiple JXE files on a smaller pervasive computing device, with each JXE file needing to be loaded into the limited amount of available memory.
"JXE files include both read-only data, such as the bytecodes, and read/write data, such as the variables used by the program. Because of this, the memory in which the JXE file resides is typically not swappable without first writing all the JXE data stored in memory back to nonvolatile storage, such as a hard disk drive. This is the case even though the read/write portion of the JXE file is often quite small in comparison to the read-only portion of the file. Swapping the entire JXE file out to disk takes considerable computing resources and decreases system performance. In addition, many pervasive computing devices do not have swap space to even allow swapping of the JXE file. Likewise, when the application is subsequently needed, having to read the entire JXE file from disk and load it back into memory is also expensive in terms of time and computing resources.
"What is needed, therefore, is a system and method for allowing page faults to occur with the read-only portion of JXE files using an operating system that supports paging. What is further needed is a system and method to load JXE pages when needed and allow the operating system to discard JXE pages according to the system's normal paging process."
As a supplement to the background information on this patent, VerticalNews correspondents also obtained the inventors' summary information for this patent: "It has been discovered that read-only portions of Java executable image (JXE) files can be memory mapped from their nonvolatile storage location to a memory location using read-only mapping. In this manner, the operating system is free to discard memory pages occupied by the read-only section of the JXE file without having to instruct the filesystem to write the JXE file back to the nonvolatile storage.
"When a JXE program request is made, the virtual machine allocates an address space for the program. The JXE file is then memory mapped from its nonvolatile location to the allocated memory space. In addition, the read/write section (i.e., variables) of the JXE file are loaded into memory.
"When the JXE program is initialized, a page fault occurs because the read-only portion has not yet been loaded into memory. The operating system's page fault handler retrieves the needed page(s) from the nonvolatile storage location based upon the mapping data that resulted from the previously performed memory mapping. When subsequent pages are needed that have not yet been loaded, they too cause page faults that are handled by the operating system's page fault handler. Because the read-only section of the JXE file is memory mapped using read-only mapping, the operating system's paging process is free to discard previously loaded memory pages that contain read-only portions of the JXE file. When pages that have been discarded by the operating system are once again needed, another page fault occurs whereupon the code is loaded by the page fault handler.
"The foregoing is a summary and thus contains, by necessity, simplifications, generalizations, and omissions of detail; consequently, those skilled in the art will appreciate that the summary is illustrative only and is not intended to be in any way limiting. Other aspects, inventive features, and advantages of the present invention, as defined solely by the claims, will become apparent in the non-limiting detailed description set forth below."
For additional information on this patent, see: Dmitrovich, Janet; Langdale, Philip Lee; Robbins, James Patrick; Tracey, William J.. System and Method for Embedded Java Memory Footprint Performance Improvement. U.S. Patent Number 8281291, filed December 29, 2007, and issued October 2, 2012. Patent URL: http://patft.uspto.gov/netacgi/nph-Parser?

Embedded System

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IMS Research forecasts that shipments of RF-embedded light bulbs and their associated remote controllers will be more than 6,00,000 in 2013, rising to 1.17 crore in 2017. 2013 will be a big year for the emergence of RF-embedded light bulbs, with several large manufacturers planning to release new products using a range of wireless technologies, said IMS.
There are several drivers to push the market for these devices forward. One of the most important is the ability to control the lights using a smart phone, which can provide both in-home control, and for some systems, remote-access control from outside. It is expected that over the forecast period, most of these systems will offer remote access via an app, or cloud-based service. While this feature is available on current residential lighting control systems, the cost of these systems can be too high for most consumers. The RF-embedded light bulbs will be sold at a more consumer-friendly price level, leading to higher residential adoption.

According to IMS Research Analyst Phillip Maddocks, "We have already seen excitement about these types of systems with the recent successful launch of the Insteon RF and Powerline LED bulb as well as Li-Fx system that managed to generate very significant investment in a few weeks; this shows the potential of this market. In addition to this, several tier-one lighting suppliers are planning to launch similar systems towards the end of 2012 and throughout 2013, which will bring such systems to the consumer market."

From a technology perspective, Embedded System currently most RF-embedded light bulb systems, such as that of Insteon, use a proprietary technology or use a proprietary 802.15.4 software stack. Greenwave Reality is currently showcasing NXP's JenNet-IP protocol which, according to NXP, is being made an open platform for other semiconductors to support. In addition to this, the ZigBee Alliance recently launched a lighting-specific profile "ZigBee Light Link" which is designed specifically for the control of both colour and light level of LED light bulbs. Currently several tier-1 lighting manufacturers, such as Osram and Philips, have already had devices certified using this protocol.

"Over the next few years, there will be the development of several ecosystems of devices using different technologies before a dominant standard emerges," added Maddocks. "With the support and the interoperability available as part of the ZigBee Light Link protocol, IMS Research believes that by 2017, ZigBee will have emerged as the main wireless technology being used in these systems, accounting for 38 per cent of all RF-embedded bulbs and controllers shipped between 2010 and 2017."


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嵌入式系統(Embedded System)正掀起一股智慧化發展熱潮。在雲端運算(Cloud Computing)與物聯網(Internet of things, IoT)的推波助瀾下,智慧型嵌入式系統已快速在市場上展露鋒芒,並可望成為未來數年驅動嵌入式產業倍數成長的最大動能。根據市調機構IDC指出,現今全球約有十八億部嵌入式系統已具備智慧功能,預估未來3年此數量將持續激增,並於2015年達到四十億部的規模,而整體市場產值也可望突破2兆美元。

值此嵌入式系統智慧化商機方興未艾之際,新電子科技雜誌特別精心規畫「2013年版嵌入式系統設計解密」特刊,並聚焦智慧家庭、智慧運輸、智慧醫療、智慧能源和智慧工業等熱門嵌入式領域,分別介紹各個應用市場相關系統智慧化設計對策,以及關鍵元件與技術標準最新進展。同時,也將報導相關元件和解決方案供應商布局動態,提供完整實用的市場和技術情報。Embedded System

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Noida being a semiconductor design hub with some big names in the industry present, along with huge presence of IT sector here, has led to embedded system training providers to do rather well. "Number of students opting for embedded systems is increasing at a staggering rate," said Pravjot Singh, director and COO of EmbLogic Embedded Technologies. "There is an increased realisation that embedded systems is not merely for electronics engineering students, but also for students from streams like computer science, telecommunications, electrical and instrumentation technology."


EmbLogic is a technology design, integration and devices realisation company, providing end-to-end embedded solutions for product development and deployment based in Noida. Institutes state that they have seen 30 to 50 percent growth in student registration annually in last five years.


However, they point out that it is still not enough to meet the rising demand for engineers. "It is still way short of the required mark. At this rate it will take minimum 10 years for Indian market to have sufficient number," said Singh. He added that even in other countries, growth rate is hovering around 30 percent approximately.


Singh pointed out that only 3 percent of required skilled workforce is available in India. This has resulted in heavy losses to design/product based companies as the work has to be outsourced abroad. But players unanimously say that the change in trend towards embedded system training is definitely heartening to see. Main reason attributed to increase in number of students enrolling is the rising awareness among students about its prospects.


"Numerous companies have demand for embedded engineers with experience in designing and implementation," said Vikas Kalra,technical marketing director, Cetpa Infotech, another leading institute from Noida. "We can say good placement opportunity and tremendous growth is the main reason for increase in number of students enrolling."


Kalra said that Noida is always the first choice for students to undergo training on various cutting edge technologies like embedded systems. "Major players of semiconductor industries like Cadence, Freescale, Mentor Graphics and others are present in Noida, and it definitely helps students to learn about placement requirements and recruitment cycle." He added that CETPA also invites officials from these companies to visit institute and give guest lectures and students interaction to enrich their learning experience.


The training basically trains students to design embedded devices. It involves Hardware designing, embedded C programming, firmware design, Linux operating system internals, embedded operating systems design, device driver development, protocols design and implementing, embedded processors design and architecture, embedded applications development.


The main reason that necessitates training in embedded design is the ever-changing technology. It is the most dynamic aspect of any industry and a person regularly dealing with it needs to be updated.


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It is not just increasing number of students that emphasises the importance of embedded system training. "Many corporate houses have trusted on our training methodology by outsourcing their training requirements to us," said Kalra.


"Our clients for embedded Embedded System training are from core electronics sectors, small & medium scale companies engaged in embedded application development, Chip design, embedded product development and related domains. Two of CETPA's big embedded system based clients are Samtel Displays in Ghaziabad, and Central Electronics Limited (a public sector undertaking)" Most players who provide training to companies have experienced increase in the number approaching them. Singh added that companies are struggling to train and upgrade employees because of high cost of training and less effective trainers.


"Major sectors where recruitments happen for embedded engineers are robotics, home appliances, telecom, automobiles, aviation, defence and signalling, aerospace," said Nilesh Rastogi, spokesperson for ITSpark, an IT training centre Noida.


Players also said not only has there been an increase in the number of opportunities, even remuneration after course completion has gone up well. According to them, average salary for starters is in the range of Rs 4.2 to Rs 4.5 lakh.


"The fee structure for embedded system training depends upon course modules. Fees structure ranges from Rs 6,000 to Rs 50,000 per candidate depending upon duration and modules," said Kalra. The duration can range from 3 months to 6 months.


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BEAVERTON, Ore., Oct. 16 -- Tektronix issued the following news release:


Tektronix, Inc., the world's leading manufacturer of oscilloscopes, today introduced the attractively priced MSO/DPO2000B (http://www.tek.com/mso2000) Series of oscilloscopes that put advanced debug features within easy reach of engineers and educators. The new oscilloscopes make it easier than ever for engineers - even those on very limited budgets - to gain all the debug advantages of full serial bus decoding and triggering.


The 12-model MSO/DPO2000B Series oscilloscope features bandwidths from 70 MHz to 200 MHz. With industry-leading 1 M point record lengths, these oscilloscopes make it easy to find events of interest in long records using Tektronix' innovative Wave Inspector to perform manual or automated search. Reflecting the wide application of serial interfaces in electronics designs, the new series lowers the cost of serial decode, trigger and search modules by more than 50 percent compared to previous models. In addition, the cost of adding 16 digital channels is lower than before. Cost of ownership is further reduced with an industry-best 5-year warranty.


The use of electronics has exploded in nearly every industry over the past few years. Now as consumers have become more sophisticated, the pressure is on electronics engineers to offer increased functionality in everything from automobiles and consumer devices to industrial controls and medical systems. In turn engineers, technicians and educators, often operating with limited budgets, require more capable test instrumentation to keep abreast of the growing demand.


"The MSO2000 oscilloscope offers an absolutely impressive array of features like intuitive operation, high-quality probes and simple to use software modules," said Julian Lana-Sarrate, Senior Electronics Engineering Technologist at LSTS. "Using the Wave Inspector and the 1M point recording I barely had the scope out of the box and I was able to store and drill down to a single noise glitch in a multi-byte transmission sequence. The protocol analyzer works perfectly too. Now I just run a single shot sweep and almost instantly the byte values appear superimposed over the relevant sections of the waveform."


Within the Tektronix family of oscilloscopes, the new lower-end MSO/DPO2000B Series oscilloscopes give customers using Tektronix TDS2000 Series oscilloscopes an easy upgrade path to a more capable instrument with such features as a 7-inch widescreen display, 1 GS/s sampling rate on all channels and a flexible TekVPI probe interface. The new oscilloscopes are also ideal for education environments where instructors need to keep the classroom and lab experience consistent with real-world industry trends.


For systems designers focused on meeting technical and business program objectives, the MSO/DPO2000B Series provides the performance and features engineers need to validate, characterize and debug complex component and system level issues in embedded designs. This includes decode, trigger and search support for common serial buses including I2C, SPI, RS-232, CAN and LIN. The oscilloscopes also provide advanced triggers to capture anomalies in digital systems including runt pulses, setup and hold violations and rise or fall time violations. All that functionality is packed into a portable 7 lb., 14 oz. package with a small footprint just 5.3 in. deep.


"Tektronix has long maintained a strong leadership position in the entry-level oscilloscope segment. Customers in embedded design, education, service and repair, and manufacturing test rely on our oscilloscopes to bring their electronics products to market," said Dave Farrell, general manager Mainstream Oscilloscopes at Tektronix. "By adding new models, lowering prices and offering a more complete feature set than the competition, we're confident that customers globally will continue to embrace Tektronix as their preferred supplier of cost-effective electronics test instrumentation."


Availability and Pricing


The MSO/DPO2000B Series oscilloscope are available now worldwide. Prices range from $1,290 US MSRP for a two-channel 70 MHz DPO2002B oscilloscope to $3,570 for a 200 MHz MSO2024 with four analog channels and sixteen digital timing channels. All models Embedded System include a standard 5-year warranty.


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The development of machine-to-machine (M2M) embedded solutions presents some specific challenges, compared to other embedded applications:
Embedded devices operate in the field, often distributed over large geographical areas.
There is no human operator to troubleshoot or maintain them.
They come in potentially Embedded System large fleets that must be managed collectively and effectively.

Communications happen largely over wireless networks.
They integrate many different fields of expertise: hardware, embedded software, networking, wireless, collaboration with telecom operators, server-side software, and user interfaces. While none of these fields are beyond the reach of a competent R&D department, very few departments master all of these skills simultaneously.
Moreover, and contrary to what many would guess, only 5% of the typical costs of an M2M project go to hardware, according to an Analysys Mason Report.1 Also, 17% is spent on communication fees, and a staggering 78% is spent on application design and provisioning.
Given how much of the total cost they represent, R&D teams must be equipped with all the productivity tools they can afford. Investing in tools is generally more important than saving a couple of CPU cycles on the hardware, although this approach runs contrary to the habits of many embedded development shops.
Language And Tools
Lua offers powerful expressiveness, ease of learning, embeddability, and easy co-habitation with C.2 Like its close siblings Python and Ruby, it saves a lot of development and maintenance time—or allows designers to keep larger applications under control—by removing large classes of programming errors and saving a lot of boilerplate low-level code, which provides advanced and reliable data structures and offers effective control over concurrency matters.
Proper tools have also become a must. A good integration development environment (IDE) enhances the mastering of today’s extensive libraries, through integrated documentation, smart auto-completion, templates, and code analysis tools. It also allows better control of embedded devices through simulation, local or distant debugging (bugs only occurring in the field are a common nightmare of M2M maintenance), and interactive exploration of live devices.
There is a strong demand for tools enabling the creation and deployment of an M2M solution without a dedicated development team. Some tools permit you to quickly sketch a monitoring and reporting application, provided the appropriate drivers are available and the business logic remains very simple and standard.
Such tools are very valuable. They let people take the first step toward M2M empowerment of their business. But if the solution proves valuable, it’s likely to grow in complexity, and soon enough it will become a very specialized application maintained by developers.
Rapid prototyping tools must not impede this transition. Any generated application must be readable, modifiable, and extensible for developers, and those developers must not be limited by the constraints of the prototyping tool. If you don’t plan in advance for this evolution, you’re painting yourself into a corner.
Embedded Libraries
Dedicated libraries must support the most obvious M2M activities, including data acquisition and actuator control: general-purpose I/O (GPIO), analog-to-digital converters (ADCs) and digital-to-analog converters (DACs), controller area networks (CANs), I2C, or ZigBee, for example. Increasingly, media from the PC world, such as Ethernet or USB, is finding its way into embedded systems.
A recurring issue with embedded I/O is that hardware providers tend to create custom protocols over serial for every other peripheral. Since there only are so many ways to dialog on a serial line, a proper “serial framework” library can save a lot of boilerplate code and standardize the implementation of those protocols.
Embedded systems are often distributed locally across several CPUs, sensors, and actuators. (For instance, consider a home automation and alarm system.) In such systems, remote sensors and actuators are handled by very minimalist micro-controllers and report raw data to the smart gateway, which will filter, sample, consolidate, and report that data with more sophistication. As such, the gateway needs to understand a standard, simple protocol easily implemented on smaller controllers.
Finally, many M2M applications can be seen as monitoring systems. They sample data, consolidate and report some of it, use some other data as triggering events, and optionally drive some actuators according to local or network-induced triggers. A comprehensive M2M library should provide a monitoring library, which will help in architecting the whole application in a standard way and save a lot of generic boilerplate code.
Over-The-Air Updates
However well planned and debugged a solution might be, if it is kept alive for long enough, some changes will require updating the embedded software. This is challenging because of wireless network constraints. Also, large fleets of devices must be handled concurrently. And without a human operator to troubleshoot failed updates, the process must be extremely robust. To sum up, updating M2M software over the air is best left to specialists. Embedded update systems as well as update campaign management servers must be offered as turn-key, robust solutions to non-specialist developers.
Different estimates predict between 2 billion and 50 billion M2M devices in 2020.3, 4 Therefore, wireless communications will remain a challenge for M2M applications in the foreseeable future. Optimizing the way data is exchanged and handling the retries and fallback systems will remain specialized skills and will require adaptation along the application’s lifecycle.
A specialized agent must handle communication policies, then, which must be easily updated remotely and open to future improvements such as operator-controlled load shedding. The most effective way to do so is to associate data exchanges with specific policies (e.g., “urgent,” “regular,” “when-idle…”). These policies’ behavior can be controlled through declarative data, pushed and updated from a central server like any other data exchanged from the server to the devices.
One Solution
Having acquired these insights through years of M2M expertise, Sierra Wireless has developed AirVantage M2M Cloud, tailored to address these requirements. The ALEOS Application Framework provides a way to handle smart interactions between devices and the Cloud, a rich set of embedded libraries, and a state-of-the-art development environment.
Sierra Wireless also provides ready-to-use hardware devices for faster and cheaper solution design and deployment.
The development framework is based on Lua, a modern, embedded-friendly and very quickly learned language.5 It has been proposed as a new open-source project, Mihini, under the umbrella of the M2M Industry Working Group imitative, and it will be available in early 2013.
Our Eclipse-based IDE offers all the features one can expect—project management, supply chain management (SCM) integration, content assist, integrated documentation, interactive execution and debugging on remote target hardware, generation of software update campaign packages—all as an open-source, commercially friendly solution (www.eclipse.org/koneki/).
It comes with a set of dedicated M2M libraries to address the recurring issues faced by solution designers. An autonomous embedded agent takes care of the most sensitive issues such as update over-the-air or communication management, which can be controlled completely from the AirVantage Cloud.

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Teaching Lab equipped with Freescale's advanced multimedia and application processor technology and enrollment into The Freescale Cup student competition at the Politecnico of Torino

TORINO, Italy - October 12, 2012 -- Embedded System The Freescale Semiconductor (NYSE: FSL) Embedded Systems Teaching Lab is targeting industrial, automotive, medical and consumer applications and benefits from Freescale's latest technologies to support and develop students engaged in ICT engineering careers.

Situated at the heart of the Italian "Automotive Valley," Politecnico di Torino has a close connection to cars manufacturers and tier one suppliers. Its academic achievement in automotive technology is recognized both within Italy and internationally.

The lab is equipped with i.MX53 Quick Start development boards to enable students studying embedded operating systems with state of the art technology to train and develop applications in the realm of Human-Machine Interface (HMI) for the Automotive industry.

"The second embedded systems teaching lab at the Politecnico of Torino is the result of close collaboration with the Department of Control and Computer Engineering," said Flavio Stiffan, who is responsible for the University Programs EMEA at Freescale. "The relationship with the Politecnico of Torino continues to grow to provide students a motivating environment for learning with the latest technologies and prepare them for their engineering career. In addition to the teaching labs, the Politecnico of Torino also enrolled into the 2012/2013 season of The Freescale Cup student competition, enabling students to apply their learning to autonomous car racing."

"Master students in computer and mechatronic engineering will have the opportunity to practice the concepts learned during Operating Systems for Embedded Systems classes and the i.IMX53 Quick Start development boards will serve as leading edge technology workbench" said Prof. Massimo Violante who is leading the teaching lab at the Politecnico of Torino.

Freescale's experts are available for hands on and lecture support at the Politecnico, providing students with in-depth technical information to ensure that they are fully prepared for their work life.

About Politecnico
It is one of the most important universities in Europe for engineering and architecture studies, strongly committed to collaboration with industry. 30,300 students attend the Politecnico per year. About 15% of them are international students coming from 100 different countries. In recent years Politecnico has notably increased its international activities and it has initiated, in collaboration with partners, several projects supporting the international mobility of foreign students. The Politecnico di Torino is interested in developing permanent partnerships in research and education with industries that want to take advantage of university collaboration for innovation, and development. The Politecnico Business Research Centre, within the Campus, is the place dedicated to cooperation between Politecnico and industries

About Freescale's University Program
For more than 30 years, Freescale has been working with educators to bring the resources and solutions needed for advancing education as well as sponsorships to deliver practical experience. Since then, Freescale has expanded to engaging with 650 universities across the globe helping students to be among the most employable in the industry. Freescale helps you accomplish more during your education and your career with best-in-class hardware, tools, training and more to inspire your vision into reality.

About Freescale
Freescale Semiconductor (NYSE:FSL) is a global leader in embedded processing solutions, providing industry leading products that are advancing the automotive, consumer, industrial and networking markets. From microprocessors and microcontrollers to sensors, analog integrated circuits and connectivity - our technologies are the foundation for the innovations that make our world greener, safer, healthier and more connected. Some of our key applications and end-markets include automotive safety, hybrid and all-electric vehicles, next generation wireless infrastructure, smart energy management, portable medical devices, consumer appliances and smart mobile devices. The company is based in Austin, Texas, and has design, research and development, manufacturing and sales operations around the world. www.freescale.com

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DALLAS, Oct. 17, 2012 -- /PRNewswire/ -- More than 35 million Americans are over age 65, and that number is set to nearly double in 20 years. Those 85 and older are the fastest growing segment of the population in the United States and many currently suffer from some form of chronic disease and some form of disability; and if possible, prefer to remain at home Embedded System rather than transfer to a care facility1.

In an effort to make caring for patients outside of hospital and nursing home walls more accessible, and to improve quality of life for the elderly, AT&T* and Embedded Wireless are teaming up to wirelessly enable a new remote patient monitoring platform. The companies today announced that AT&T will be the exclusive 4G LTE mobile internet provider for the Zilant™ Wellness Remote Monitoring Platform and a mobile personal emergency response (mPERS) system.

Chronic conditions account for nearly 80 percent of physician visits, more than 80 percent of hospital in-patient stays, more than 90 percent of prescriptions, and more than 95 percent of home healthcare visits. Patients recently hospitalized with chronic conditions are at significantly higher risk for readmission; this accounts for an estimated 85 percent of the cost of healthcare in U.S.A.2

Advances in the use of wireless technologies in providing for remote healthcare like the Zilant™ Wellness Platform and the mPERS Pendant enables caregivers to efficiently monitor patients at dramatically lower care costs. The Zilant™ Wellness Platform is a home monitoring platform that integrates a system of monitoring devices and environment sensors to facilitate elder care, chronic disease management and independent living. The mPERS Pendant is a personal emergency response device worn around the neck. It will continuously monitor activity, location and can detect falls. It will manually or automatically initiate two-way voice communication for emergency response while simultaneously transmitting relevant data such as location and relevant personal information to the pre-designated parties.

"We're teaming up with Embedded Wireless to make in-home remote patient monitoring simpler and more effective for healthcare organizations to deploy and scale," said Chris Penrose, senior vice president, AT&T Emerging Devices. "Systems can be fully operational at home within hours of a patient's discharge from the hospital, giving caregivers and healthcare providers the ability to remotely monitor data gathered by home based sensors and monitoring devices – all over the nation's largest 4G network."

Zilant allows elders to share their daily activities with caregivers and family through the cloud with a secure web browser and password. Key features are motion detection, environment monitoring, vital signs measurement, 24x7 personal emergency alert pendant (PERS) and video observation. With mPERS, patients will be truly mobile with a direct cellular link to a caregiver over the AT&T 4G LTE wireless network. At home, mPERS reverts to a WiFi connection with the Zilant™ which integrates data from the mPERS device and communicates with caregivers through the wireless network connection.
"We are very excited to work with AT&T - a global leader in wireless, high speed Internet, Wi-Fi and cloud based services," said Dr. Rama Shukla, CEO of Embedded Wireless, Inc. "With Zilant™ Wellness Platform technology and solutions built around it, Embedded Wireless aims to enable high-quality and low-cost remote patient monitoring and eldercare services across the US and globally. Working with AT&T gives us access to the nation's largest 4G and provides innovative solutions connecting caregivers (including Elder Care Services) to patients and clients for monitoring, response and intervention on a flexible and expandable platform. Patients and their loved ones will enjoy peace of mind and a sense of security knowing their activity and biometric data allows quick response to any adverse event. We are passionate about driving improvements in the economics and quality of life for the elderly living at home with our state of the art WEB 2.0 based wireless technologies."

The Zilant™ Wellness Platform, now being piloted in eldercare environments in the U.S. and Europe, is expected to launch later this year; and will be exhibited next week at the National Association of Home Care meeting in Orlando, booth #737; and also at the Connected Health Symposium in Boston, booth #15.

For more information on AT&T, please visit www.att.com.

For more information on the Zilant™ Wellness Platform, visit www.embeddedwireless.com.

*AT&T products and services are provided or offered by subsidiaries and affiliates of AT&T Inc. under the AT&T brand and not by AT&T Inc.

1 US Census data referenced by author and EWL clinical partner, Allan S. Teel, MD, in his book 'Alone And Invisible No More', and Full Circle America presentations

2 Kalorama Information: Patient Monitoring Systems Markets Remote and Wireless May 2010

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About Embedded Wireless

Embedded Wireless is a next-generation wireless telecommunications company and a global developer/supplier of wireless sensor and networking technologies for telecommunications, mobile wellness, elder homecare and home automation.

Embedded Wireless' Zilant Wellness Platform and mPERS system delivers connected healthcare solutions and services for independent living - including chronic disease management, elderly home care, personal wellness, security intelligent automation, end-to-end 3G/4G enterprise solutions and telecommunications.

This news release and additional information on products and services by Embedded Wireless is available at www.embeddedwireless.com.

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Computers specifically designed to streamline one or a few operations are regarded as embedded systems. Also referred to as micro-controllers, they are typically known as special-purpose computers due to the fact that embedded systems are integrated into the hardware and mechanical components of a broad range of machines and devices.

Embedded control networks have been introduced into closely every facet of life including the healthcare and medical industry, entertainment, telecommunications, etc. With its important role in different devices like MRI machines and mobile phones, embedded systems are unarguably transforming the future and revolutionizing the way society lives.
History of Embedded Systems

One of the first recorded contemporary Embedded System embedded networks involved the Apollo Project. Developed and facilitated by Charles Stark Draper of MIT’s instrumentation facility, an embedded system was integrated into the Apollo Guidance Computer. At that time, the Apollo Guidance Computer was recognized as the riskiest structure involved in the project as it only used the back-then newly developed monolithic incorporated circuits to minimize both size and mass.
Since its early use in 1960s, embedded networks were commercialized to the general market. The original price of $1,000 per piece was slashed down to $3, which permitted merchants and manufacturing companies to use it for commercial products including electronics and appliances. Since then, there has been a drastic emergence in processing capabilities and functionality.

Embedded systems have extensive applications in consumer, commercial, and industrial markets. Even military computers and devices use embedded networks.
Telecom networks use various embedded systems from phone switches for the network to telephones at the end-user. Meanwhile, computer networking utilized dedicated routers and network bridges to relay information.
Everyday devices like MP3s, printers, video game consoles, and digital cameras also rely on embedded systems to perform specific tasks and operations. Nearly all modern designs of household appliances like microwave ovens, toasters, dishwashers and refrigerators also integrate embedded systems to impart better versatility, efficiency and specs.
State-of-the-art HVAC systems are also being introduced with embedded computers. Networked thermostats yield better and more precise management of temperatures that can alter by season or day. Home automation is also embedded nowadays with wired and wireless systems that can be employed to manage and oversee lighting, safety and security, entertainment, etc. To see more on how embedded systems are being applied read this from Dell.
The transportation industry is another major industry that has found extensive use and application for embedded computers. Nowadays, flight operations and the latest designs of ground and air vehicles use embedded networks. New planes boast cutting-edge avionics like inertial guidance networks and GPS that also implement stringent safety requirements.
What’s New?

To add up to mainstream embedded networks based on compact computers, a new category of miniature wireless machines known as motes are rapidly gaining popularity as the area of wireless sensor networking emerges. WSN applies miniaturization all thanks to the high-tech IC design to compound complete wireless subsystems to complex sensors. This allows consumers and businesses to estimate a multitude of aspects in the physical world and respond using this data via IT observations and control networks. These so-called motes are entirely self-contained and usually run out of battery supply for a long period of time prior requiring battery charging or replacing. To see more on servers, sensors and other industrial computers click here.

Embedded computers have intricate and extremely efficient power management technology. They also only need an infinitesimal volume of resources to effectively and consistently function. Performance specs for embedded computers are virtually absent thus enabling manufacturing companies to fabricate less-complex products at affordable prices. Oftentimes, the system is integrated into standalone items. Nonetheless, embedded networks are usually applied as subsystems as a network of a group of interacting parts in a product.
In terms of user interface, former versions of embedded networks rarely need any interface due to the fact that all information and programs were usually integrated into the device itself. Yet today, users are given much better interaction capabilities with embedded systems. A good example would be inputting data into a PDA.


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在諸如 Google(谷歌)這樣的搜索引擎中排名的好壞直接關系到企業或公司的經營。很多網站都千方百計地使他們排在相關查詢的前列。對某些網站來說,假如谷歌不收錄他們,或將他們降權,后果不堪設想。但是,搜索質量是谷歌的生命。谷歌總是在不斷地提高搜索質量。在一些情況下,谷歌不得不對某些網站進行降權處理,甚至直接從谷歌的搜索結果中刪除。本文介紹一些可能導致谷歌降權或刪除的情況,并給出一些補救辦法。

谷歌對某一網站懲罰的最常見的原因就是網站的網絡作弊。在谷歌網站治理員指南 中,谷歌指出了如何設計網站,網站的內容應包含哪些,網站治理員必須了解哪些技術,并給出了網站的質量指南。任何違反網站質量指南的網站都被稱為作弊網站,并可能受到懲罰。在質量指南中,下列行為被認為是作弊:隱藏文本或隱藏鏈接;隱藏真實內容或欺騙性重定向;向谷歌發送自動查詢;使用無關用語加載網頁;創建包含大量重復內容的多個網頁、子域或域;針對搜索引擎設計的"橋頁",聯屬計劃;設計會安裝病毒、特洛伊木馬或其他有害軟件的網頁。這些行為的共性是,他們都是為搜索引擎而作,而不是為訪問網站的用戶而作。



當然,谷歌是個全球化的公司,在顯示搜索結果時,谷歌會遵從當地的法律,過濾掉那些違反當地法律的網站。有人也許會問,會不會有誤傷?自谷歌開始反網絡作弊以來,谷歌的 webspam 工程師總是盡量使他們的算法的精確度接近 100%。既然是由算法來判定是否作弊,不可避免有誤傷。但是,可以保證的是,誤傷的可能性相當低。

那么,怎樣判定你是否被谷歌降權或刪除了?簡單的判定刪除與否的方法是在谷歌中使用 site 查詢。例如,假如你的網站名是 foo.com,且以前曾被收錄過,你可以在谷歌中查詢 site:foo.com。假如沒有結果,則說明谷歌已刪除你的網站。另一種更精確的方法是利用谷歌的網站治理員工具注冊并查詢你的網站的信息。



谷歌非常重視和廣大網絡治理員的溝通。我們有為英文網絡治理員的博客,我們很快會推出中文網站治理員的博客。谷歌也非常歡迎網絡治理員對我們的搜索質量提出寶貴建議。例如,假如你注冊了谷歌 Webmaster Central,你可以用這個表格報告作弊網站https://www.google.com/webmasters/tools/spamreport?hl=zh-cn。假如你不想注冊谷歌賬戶,也可以在這里舉報:http://www.google.cn/contact/spamreport.html

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  另外,刘嘉玲与一众名媛名模出席罗杰 维维亚鸡尾酒会,她穿着高贵裙装大秀性感,现场频频举杯豪饮。在离开活动现场时,还遭到旁边的眼镜男工作人员偷瞄。

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  3月26日,Lady Gaga在推特上晒出一张完全素颜的自拍照,没有了夸张浓密的假睫毛和鲜艳的唇膏,鬓角戴着一朵白花的Gaga,吊带半褪,举着手机对镜自拍,面色略显苍白,反而更显真实可亲。两天后将迎来26岁生日的Gaga在照片旁附言道:“度过了美丽的一天!”

  Gaga的素颜照似乎与她最近远离媒体和聚光灯的低调相得益彰。在3月18日播出的《奥普拉新一章:Lady Gaga》节目中,她告诉主持人奥普拉温弗瑞(Oprah Winfrey):“这次节目之后,我打算很长时间不接受任何采访了。我也不会看任何报道。没有记者会,不上电视。除了和音乐有关,我不想知道任何事,我完全与世隔绝了。”

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