

 無論edmodo、lore或 pinterest都是對中小學既有的教學環境與教材,提供網路上的溝通與分享環境,但針對目前教學內容中缺漏的生活技能,而提供補救的教育網站新秀—EverFi,則是集獨特且創新的特質於一身,也因此吸引許多名人投資。

 EverFi在營運模式上,也獨樹一幟,與其他線上教育創業公司不一樣,它提供的平台和課程是要收費的,收費的對象不是學校,也不是學生,而是向提供贊助的Fortune 500公司和基金會收費。





 EverFi期望能成為企業與學校、社區之間的橋樑,以贈送孩子們心智上的禮物為目標,增加小孩子的生活常識與見識,提高孩子使用網路的技能,這種創新的教育服務,將可成為企業做公益的新模式,目前已經有750家公司、基金會和大學合作夥伴支付了該服務的費用,包括Burger King、BBVA Compass、百事可樂等。


 B輪的投資人包括了亞馬遜網路書店的創始人傑夫•貝佐斯、Twitter聯合創始人Evan Williams、Google前CEO 埃里克•施密特的投資子公司Tomorrow Ventures以及Blackboard首席執行官Michael Chasen等。


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邁可.桑德爾(Michael J. Sandel)/哈佛大學教授



















(本文節錄自《錢買不到的東西:金錢與正義的攻防》,先覺2012年9月出版 )

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1:網頁快照 存在于Google數據庫中的所列網頁的文字內容,也就是上一次Google蜘蛛所抓取的網頁內容。

2:真正Google PR的計算和更新是動態的不間斷的過程 我們在工具欄看到的PR值只是”可見的PR值”,大致三個月更新一次。




4:沙盒效應 表現為一個新網站在Google里面很難得到好的排名,無論你怎么優化這個網站,就是很難在Google里面得到好的排名。Google的Sandbox有點像給予新網站的一個試用期。在這段試用期內,新網站幾乎無法在競爭比較激烈的要害詞下得到好的排名。通常沙盒效應會維持六個月,有一些針對競爭性不高的要害詞的網站,可能在沙盒里會短一些。行業競爭越高,沙盒效應會越長。

5:.edu 和 .gov域名具有天生的被信任的特征 原因是.edu 和 .gov域名在任何情況下都不可以被轉移,包括買賣,出租等任何形式的轉移。.edu域名只可以被教育機構注冊,.gov域名只可以由政府機構注冊。作者認為,這些特點使.edu 和 .gov域名最有可能被認為是可被信任的頂級域名。


7:Google蜘蛛爬行時有無限循環危險 比如說跟蹤某個網頁上日歷的鏈接,可能在這個日歷上總是有“下一個月”這個按鈕,產生無限循環。因為網頁程序可以無限制的生成下一個月的月歷,Google蜘蛛就出不來了。

8:在留言本里留下垃圾鏈接 這種技術對Google來說早就不起作用了。再比如有的作弊的人建立大量的網站,在這些網站之間互相鏈接,這對Google也不起作用。












15:只要把你自己的網頁加入Google Notebook就可以輕易的從Google域名得到反向鏈接。



18. 工具條上的那個綠條不是當前PR值。




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Developers experience firsthand the end-to-end architectural support, high performance, compact code, power profiling, efficient debugging and ease of use of IAR Embedded Workbench
IAR Systems outlined today its extensive participation in the Renesas DevCon taking place from October 22 to 25 at Hyatt Regency in Orange County, California. A long-standing partner of Renesas Electronics Corporation, IAR Systems is the only software development tools provider to support all of the Renesas processors. Top CoreMark scores are proof points that continual optimizations and fine-tuning of IAR Embedded Workbench gives Renesas developers best-in-class development tools that are low power, high performance and small footprint.
In the booth, IAR Systems will showcase the latest optimizations to be included in the upcoming version of IAR Embedded Workbench with demonstrations featuring Renesas' RH850, RX, and RL78 families. In-depth developer information to be presented in a hands-on lab and technical class will offer techniques for debugging the RX architecture and compiling applications to include maximum functionality with the smallest amount of space:
Lab session: Debugging on RX with IAR Embedded Workbench
Tuesday, Oct. 23 from 1:30pm - 3:45pm
Class session: IAR Embedded system Workbench for Renesas processors
Wednesday, Oct. 24 from 1:30pm - 2:30pm
Developers can see how tool chain optimizations, debugging capabilities and coverage of all Renesas architectures can improve productivity, particularly as additional architectures are covered.
Full session descriptions available on: http://www.iar.com/en/IAR/Seminar-and-lab-at-RenesasDevCon/.
Editor's Note: IAR Systems, IAR Embedded Workbench, C-SPY, visualSTATE, The Code to Success, IAR KickStart Kit, I-jet, IAR and the logotype of IAR Systems are trademarks or registered trademarks owned by IAR Systems AB. All other products are trademarks of their respective owners.
About IAR Systems
IAR Systems is the world's leading supplier of software tools for developing embedded systems applications. The software enables over 14,000 large and small companies to develop premium products based on 8-, 16-, and 32-bit microcontrollers, mainly in the areas of industrial automation, medical devices, consumer electronics, telecommunication, and automotive products. IAR Systems has an extensive network of partners and cooperates with the world's leading semiconductor vendors. IAR Systems Group AB is listed on NASDAQ OMX Stockholm. For more information, please visit www.iar.com
Word copy of release
You can tweet or share the release directly from the IAR Systems Press Center on HughesCom's website. Additional background materials are also available for download.

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Computers specifically designed to streamline one or a few operations are regarded as embedded systems. Also referred to as micro-controllers, they are typically known as special-purpose computers due to the fact that embedded systems are integrated into the hardware and mechanical components of a broad range of machines and devices.
Embedded control networks have been introduced into closely every facet of life including the healthcare and medical industry, entertainment, telecommunications, etc. With its important role in different devices like MRI machines and mobile phones, embedded systems are unarguably transforming the future and revolutionizing the way society lives.
History of Embedded Systems

One of the first recorded contemporary embedded networks involved the Apollo Project. Developed and facilitated by Charles Stark Draper of MIT’s instrumentation facility, an embedded system was integrated into the Apollo Guidance Computer. At that time, the Apollo Guidance Computer was recognized as the riskiest structure involved in the project as it only used the back-then newly developed monolithic incorporated circuits to minimize both size and mass.
Since its early use in 1960s, Embedded System networks were commercialized to the general market. The original price of $1,000 per piece was slashed down to $3, which permitted merchants and manufacturing companies to use it for commercial products including electronics and appliances. Since then, there has been a drastic emergence in processing capabilities and functionality.


Embedded systems have extensive applications in consumer, commercial, and industrial markets. Even military computers and devices use embedded networks.
Telecom networks use various embedded systems from phone switches for the network to telephones at the end-user. Meanwhile, computer networking utilized dedicated routers and network bridges to relay information.
Everyday devices like MP3s, printers, video game consoles, and digital cameras also rely on embedded systems to perform specific tasks and operations. Nearly all modern designs of household appliances like microwave ovens, toasters, dishwashers and refrigerators also integrate embedded systems to impart better versatility, efficiency and specs.
State-of-the-art HVAC systems are also being introduced with embedded computers. Networked thermostats yield better and more precise management of temperatures that can alter by season or day. Home automation is also embedded nowadays with wired and wireless systems that can be employed to manage and oversee lighting, safety and security, entertainment, etc. To see more on how embedded systems are being applied read this from Dell.
The transportation industry is another major industry that has found extensive use and application for embedded computers. Nowadays, flight operations and the latest designs of ground and air vehicles use embedded networks. New planes boast cutting-edge avionics like inertial guidance networks and GPS that also implement stringent safety requirements.
What’s New?

To add up to mainstream embedded networks based on compact computers, a new category of miniature wireless machines known as motes are rapidly gaining popularity as the area of wireless sensor networking emerges. WSN applies miniaturization all thanks to the high-tech IC design to compound complete wireless subsystems to complex sensors. This allows consumers and businesses to estimate a multitude of aspects in the physical world and respond using this data via IT observations and control networks. These so-called motes are entirely self-contained and usually run out of battery supply for a long period of time prior requiring battery charging or replacing. To see more on servers, sensors and other industrial computers click here.

Embedded computers have intricate and extremely efficient power management technology. They also only need an infinitesimal volume of resources to effectively and consistently function. Performance specs for embedded computers are virtually absent thus enabling manufacturing companies to fabricate less-complex products at affordable prices. Oftentimes, the system is integrated into standalone items. Nonetheless, embedded networks are usually applied as subsystems as a network of a group of interacting parts in a product.
In terms of user interface, former versions of embedded networks rarely need any interface due to the fact that all information and programs were usually integrated into the device itself. Yet today, users are given much better interaction capabilities with embedded systems. A good example would be inputting data into a PDA.

Read more at http://www.business2community.com/tech-gadgets/how-embedded-systems-are-transforming-the-future-0293881#yKQKxZzxQEY6bWUC.99

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