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IEI Announces Motherboards with 22nm Intel® Xeon® Processor E3-1200v2 and Intel® C216 Chipset for High Performance Applications

IEI Technology Corp. (IEI), the global industrial computing innovator, announced the launch of the IMBA-C2160, an ATX motherboard, and the IMB-C2160, a microATX motherboard. These server-grade motherboards support the 22nm LGA1155 Intel® Xeon® processor E3-1200v2 and Intel® C216 chipset. Integrated Intel® HD Graphics with DX11 support and integrated VGA support on the Intel® C216 chipset enables these new motherboards to deliver speedy media processing and enhanced graphics performance. The IMBA-C2160 and the IMB-C2160 are the ideal platforms for high performance gaming machines, surveillance systems, public infotainment, fitness equipment, server-grade high-speed communication, and other high-resolution digital signage applications.

The IMBA-C2160 and the IMB-C2160 are standard ATX and microATX motherboards supporting state-of-the-art 22nm Intel® processors. The IMBA-C2160 supports advanced three independent displays. The IMB-C2160 features a high speed interface for two PCIe x8 and two PCIe x4 add-on cards. With PCI Express generation 3.0 at 8GT/s I/O bandwidth, a USB 3.0 port and a SATA 6Gb/s port, both the IMBA-C2160 and IMB-C2160 excel in data and video transmission. With the Intel® C216 chipset, IT managers can remotely diagnose and repair problems using Intel® 82579 PHY for Intel® Active Management Technology (AMT) 8.0 support.

Based on the Intel® C216 chipset with Intel® AMT 8.0 support, IEI developed iEZman and One Key Recovery to combine the power of remote KVM control with simplified system recovery and backup management. All IEI products can be remotely controlled using IEI's iEZman and One Key Recovery.

What is iEZman?
The IEI iEZman application provides an out-of-band KVM function which allows full control of keyboard, mouse and video output viewing on a remote system through hardware-based Intel® Active Management Technology 8.0. Video output on a remote system is always visible even when there is a BSoD (blue screen of death) or missing disk.

iEZman allows a remote user, such as a support person, to remotely control and perform administrative tasks through a graphical user interface in Windows. All functions can be managed through this single interface after password verification. iEZman provides IT departments with remote client management, OOB (out-of-band) diagnostics and asset tracking regardless of system power or OS state to help reduce TCO and improve productivity.

iEZman Functions:
• Power Management - To power the remote system on, off or reset
• Schedule Power Management - To schedule the systems to wake from a sleep state or shut down at a particular time.
• Remote Access - To boot remote PCs from a local CD-ROM, floppy drive or ISO image, or boot into the BIOS.
• Group Management - To sort remote PCs into groups for easy monitoring and control.
• Patch Management - To apply patches to remote PCs.
• Alert and Events - To issue an alert when system problems occur.

IEI One Key Recovery Solution
The unique IEI One Key Recovery solution includes exclusive technology to recover and backup the operating system with the simple press of a key. A recovery image CD with IEI official license sticker ships with every IEI single board computer, embedded system, or panel PC. It includes system recovery software developed by IEI with Windows PE 2.0. The recovery image can be used to create a full system backup and restore in the event of system failure. There is no need to buy additional backup and recovery tools.

All migration tasks can be performed remotely from a central management console reducing the costs associated with a physical visit. Neither specialized IT staff, nor consultants are required to implement the system imaging and data migration procedure. Thus, IEI One Key Recovery simplifies the backup and recovery process and saves time and money. Please note that IEI One Key Recovery works on IEI products only. A “You are an illegal user” warning message appears when attempting to run the software on a non-IEI product.

The iEZman and One Key Recovery solution bundled with IEI products and Intel® AMT 8.0 is your smart choice for remote control management, system backup and recovery.

For more information, please visit www.ieiworld.com or contact sales@ieiworld.com for further information. For the press release, please contact yalingwang@iei.com.tw.

* Intel and Xeon are trademarks of Intel Corporation in the United States and other countries.

About IEI Technology Corp. 
IEI Technology Corp. is a leading industrial computer provider. IEI provides products for computer-based applications such as factory automation, computer telephony integration, networking, security, IT systems, communication base stations, medical devices and kiosks,Panel pC , Embedded pc . IEI serves industries such as national defense, police administration and transportation. IEI continues to promote its own brand of products in addition to serving ODM vertical markets with complete and professional service.

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1. 練跑距離縮短,找有遮蔽物的柏油路、人行道、越野路線…,這些路線只需要30-45分鐘可以跑完。

2. 身上準備可以降溫的物品,例如:冰水、運動飲料、乾毛巾、手上綁濕毛巾,還有,凡士林防止皮膚摩擦、隨身補給品、鈉補給品、防曬乳。

3. 需要做心理調適,去適應短距離的訓練,把眼光放長遠,讓自己保持在陰涼處,不定時幫自己降溫,減少身上攜帶液體(水、飲料…)的重量,這樣可以減少能量消耗。

4. 比照鐵人三項和超級馬拉松的補給站安排,把補給點和降溫站安排在方便取得的地方。

5. 戴帽子、太陽眼鏡,準備一袋冰塊(可以裝在塑膠袋、瓶子或用布包起來放在脖子上)。

6. 希望身體保持涼爽,就要學會幫身體減輕重量,重量越輕越可以輕鬆完成訓練。

7. 酷熱的天氣,訓練距離縮短,多花一些時間降溫,每小時降溫一次,甚至更多。

8. 比照超級馬拉松跑者在大熱天下跑步的狀況,制定出聰明的訓練計劃,你會更享受訓練。

{參考資料:Runner’s World/Ask Coach Jenny }



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