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EMBA的小眼睛 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

新浪科技訊 北京時間10月17日下午消息,英特爾CEO保羅·歐德寧(Paul Otellini)在周二的電話會議上透露,採用英特爾下一代酷睿處理器Haswell的筆記本和台式機將於明年上半年上市。

Haswell晶片是現有Ivy Bridge的下一代品,后者已於今年4月全面推廣。英特爾還表示,Haswell的性能將達到Ivy Bridge的兩倍,某些情況下,這款新處理器將把超極本的電池續航時間提升一倍。超極本目前的電池續航時間約為6至8小時。

英特爾在9月的英特爾開發者論壇上簡單介紹過Haswell,號稱其能耗效率已經足以適應平板電腦。Haswell晶片的電壓低至10瓦,而Ivy Bridge最低電壓也高達17瓦。英特爾已經將Haswell晶片分為兩大類別:10瓦處理器適用於平板電腦和超極本二合一的品,15瓦和17瓦處理器適用於其他超極本和筆記本。

英特爾CFO斯塔西·史密斯(Stacy Smith)表示,Haswell將於2013年上半年獲得銷售資格。在投入生前,英特爾通常都會開展內部和外部質量評估流程。


很多采用Ivy Bridge處理器的超極本有望在未來幾周隨同  Ivy Bridge 一同發布。歐德寧稱,將有超過140款酷睿超極本面市,其中有40款具備觸摸功能。大約還有5至8款是變形超極本,可以當做平板電腦來使用。歐德寧表示,大多數超極本的價格都將在699美元或更高水平,還有部分型號價格更低。


歐德寧表示,英特爾無法預測該領域下一季度的表現,影響因素有很多,包括微軟Windows 8和新超極本的發布。英特爾第三財季的利潤和收入均出現下滑。


平板電腦已經改變了人們使用電腦的方式,而微軟也將通過Windows 8首次將觸摸屏引入到主流PC中。搭載Windows 8系統的PC有望於本月晚些時候發貨,但歐德寧表示,在消費者親手使用之前,還無法判斷他們的反應。



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If you're a PC user, Microsoft Windows is probably as familiar as the back of your hand right? Not any more.
Microsoft has gone back to the drawing board in designing its latest operating system, creating an experience that is more akin to using a tablet or smartphone - even if you're at a desktop PC.
Microsoft has developed an operating system that can be used across all your devices - from your work and home desktop computers to your tablet and your smartphone.
Windows 8 is designed with touchscreens in mind, but can also be used with keyboard and mouse.
It will be available on new Windows PCs and tablets, and in the near future smartphones running on a similar operating system - called Windows Phone 8 - will be hitting the market.
In a first, Microsoft is also releasing its own hardware with Windows 8. Its Surface computer is a cross between a tablet and a notebook computer, with a magnetically attachable touch keyboard. Pricing and availability is yet to be confirmed.
Windows 8 can also be downloaded to the majority of Windows 7 PCs - but again Microsoft is yet to confirm pricing. If you buy or have bought a Windows 7 PC between June this year and February next, you'll be able to download Windows 8 at a discount - for $14.99.
So what's new?
Instead of firing up your applications through the Start Menu or launching Internet Explorer to get to your email, you'll encounter something entirely different.
That familiar old Start button in the bottom left and those little desktop shortcut icons are gone. The Windows 8 user interface presents your applications (your email, calendar etc) as coloured tiles - similar to the tiles interface on Windows Phone smartphones. The tiles are "live" so, for example, you can see just by looking at your Hotmail tile whether you have any new emails, and your appointments for the day will show in the Calendar tile. Clicking on a tile launches that application in a new window. Again the experience will be similar to using an application on a tablet computer. There are also tiles for the usual Windows suspects, such as Microsoft Word. You can customise the home screen with whichever tiles you choose to give easy access to the applications that interest you the most.
If all of this sounds too scary, never fear - Microsoft hasn't completely cut ties with the old Windows. The Desktop tile on the Start screen will take you back to the more familiar Windows 7 desktop, and you can use all your older-style apps and software that haven't been updated for Windows 8. You won't be able to do this on Windows 8 tablets though, as they won't support traditional Windows apps. They will have a modified version of Microsoft Office though, minus Outlook. All other apps will have to be downloaded through the Windows Store.
Windows 8 also uses "hot corners" to give you access to certain menus.
Hovering your mouse or finger over the top or bottom right corner of the screen will bring up the Charms menu, which lets you search for anything on your device, adjust your device's settings, share files through email and social networking sites, return to your Start menu, and control settings with other devices such as printers.
You can also search for files just by typing in their keywords from any screen. Windows 8 will group results under the applications they appear in, such as Mail or People. Swiping your mouse or finger on the left edge of the screen will bring up a menu of apps in use so you can easily switch between them.
Clicking in the lower left corner will switch between the traditional desktop screen (if it is open), and the new Start screen. Right clicking in the corner will being up a menu with tools such as the Control Panel and Device Manager.
In true tablet (and smartphone) style, apps are a major focus. Windows 8 users will be able to browse and download free and paid apps for their PC, laptop, tablets from the Windows Store app. Downloaded apps will also be displayed as live tiles. Apps already built in to Windows 8 will include the Mail email app, a People app, which shows contacts and their social media status updates, and Messaging, Calendar, Photos, Music, Internet Explorer, Weather, Finance and Sports apps.
Windows 8 stores all your settings in the cloud so you can log in on any Windows 8 device and access all your apps and customisations just as you like them. Each Windows 8 device also comes with a SkyDrive account ready to go - so you can store and share documents online.
A cool, but slightly gimmicky, Windows 8 feature is the ability to use Touch Panel PC a photo password with one of your own snaps. You choose a photo for the lock screen and trace a gesture over the photo, which will become your new password.

Windows 8 is also the first operating system to come with antivirus software built in. The software is Microsoft Security Essentials - of course.
Windows 8 is likely to confuse at first - even seasoned tablet users will take some time to find their way around it - but reviewers say once you've got the hang of it, it's quite a clean, modern and pleasant experience.
If you're now on a Windows PC or laptop that doesn't have a touchscreen then there's probably not a lot of point upgrading to Windows 8. The next generation of desktops and notebooks are likely be touch-enabled, meaning Windows 8 will become more and more useful, and familiar.
Sources: Wall Street Journal, PC World, Mashable, TechRadar, Sydney Morning Herald, About.com, Cnet, TechCrunch, ComputerWorld, Windows 7 Hacker, Microsoft.

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SAO PAULO, NOV. 7, 2012 — /PRNewswire/ -- Industrial PCs and human machine interface (HMI) represent the next level of industrial automation applications. The deep penetration of these new applications indicates Brazilian companies' eagerness to increase the efficiency of their production processes.


New analysis from Frost & Sullivan (http://www.industrialautomation.frost.com), Analysis of the Brazilian HMI and Industrial PC Market, finds that the market earned revenues of $68.3 million in 2011 and estimates this to reach $126.9 million in 2015. The market's growth rate is expected to exceed that of the economy.


"The higher complexity in the manufacturing processes and the greater pressures to reduce waste and costs encourage the adoption of more sophisticated automation applications," said Frost & Sullivan Research Analyst Alejandro Diaz Lopez. "While industrial PCs are an ideal fit for these needs, the swelling demand for visualization makes a solid case for HMI."


Industrial PCs and HMI also offer compelling benefits such as technology integration capabilities. The flexibility of industrial PCs enables the easy integration of IT and architecture technology systems, allowing companies to better control production lines.


While both markets are growing briskly, there is still some customer apprehension regarding the reliability of these systems, specifically, industrial PC. End users believe that industrial PC system architecture is less reliable than other systems, such as programmable logic computers (PLCs) and HMI systems.


To improve customer awareness about the benefits of industrial PCs and HMIs, participants should invest in marketing campaigns and demonstrate the savings end users can accrue through the use of these products in the production process. This will encourage clients to invest in more sophisticated automation solutions instead of maintaining the traditional standard applications for the assembly line.


"Further, the improvements in the operating systems for industrial PCs will make them more stable and reliable, increasing their market acceptance and boosting sales in the next five years," noted Diaz Lopez.


If you are interested in more information on this research, please send an email to Francesca Valente, Corporate Communications, at francesca.valente@frost.com, with your full name, company name, job title, telephone number, company email address, company website, city, state and country.


Analysis of the Brazilian HMI and Industrial PC Market is part of the Industrial Automation & Process Control Growth Partnership Services program, which also includes research in the following markets: Brazilian Market for PLC and DCS, Brazilian Market for Electric Drives, Southern Cone Market for Electric Motors, and Southern Cone Region Markets for Electric Drives. All research services included in subscriptions provide detailed market opportunities and industry trends that have been evaluated following extensive interviews with market participants.


About Frost & Sullivan


Frost & Sullivan, the Growth Partnership Company,industrial PC works in collaboration with clients to leverage visionary innovation that addresses the global challenges and related growth opportunities that will make or break today's market participants.


Our "Growth Partnership" supports clients by addressing these opportunities and incorporating two key elements driving visionary innovation: The Integrated Value Proposition and The Partnership Infrastructure.


The Integrated Value Proposition provides support to our clients throughout all phases of their journey to visionary innovation including: research, analysis, strategy, vision, innovation and implementation.
The Partnership Infrastructure is entirely unique as it constructs the foundation upon which visionary innovation becomes possible. This includes our 360 degree research, comprehensive industry coverage, career best practices as well as our global footprint of more than 40 offices.
For more than 50 years, we have been developing growth strategies for the global 1000, emerging businesses, the public sector and the investment community. Is your organization prepared for the next profound wave of industry convergence, disruptive technologies, increasing competitive intensity, Mega Trends, breakthrough best practices, changing customer dynamics and emerging economies?


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