STOCKHOLM — Embedded Conference Scandinavia

Thingsquare, a pioneering provider of software connecting the physical world through the Internet, has selected IAR Embedded Workbench for developing its Thingsquare Mist connectivity platform for home and building automation, and for smart lighting. IAR Systems’ embedded software development tool chain gives Thingsquare and its customers the compact and highly efficient code that is fundamental when smart objects communicate with each other via the Internet.

Thingsquare and its customers contribute to the growth of systems for smart homes, smart offices and smart cities, based on battery-operated systems and low-power Internet communication. Thingsquare Mist uses Contiki, the open source operating system for the Internet of Things, created by Thingsquare co-founder Adam Dunkels.

IAR Embedded Workbench is the world’s most widely used tool chain for 8-, 16-, and 32-bit MCUs, and is available for more than 7,400 devices. The highly-optimizing C/C++ compiler and debugger tool suite is a completely integrated development environment for developing, building, and debugging embedded applications with strong requirements on performance and reliability.

“IAR Embedded Workbench provides an easy-to-use, efficient and reliable tool chain,” says Fredrik Österlind, CTO at Thingsquare. “Many of our customers demand tools from IAR Systems for their development projects and we are very pleased to show that IAR Embedded Workbench provides excellent development tools for Thingsquare Mist-based solutions. As it supports such a huge and comprehensive bandwidth of devices suitable for smart systems, it will also help us to stay flexible in our hardware choice.”

“Thingsquare is a truly visionary, innovative and future-oriented technology company and we are very pleased that IAR Embedded Workbench plays a role in their product development,” says Liselott Lundeborg, Nordic Sales Manager at IAR Systems. “We look forward to supporting Thingsquare and its customers in their development projects and will be quite proud as new smart systems enter the market.”

### Ends

Editor's Note: IAR Systems, IAR Embedded Workbench, C-SPY, visualSTATE, The Code to Success, IAR KickStart Kit, I-jet, IAR and the logotype of IAR Systems are trademarks or registered trademarks owned by IAR Systems AB. All other products are trademarks of their respective owners.

About IAR Systems

IAR Systems is  Embedded System he world’s leading supplier of software tools for developing embedded systems applications. The software enables over 14 000 large and small companies to develop premium products based on 8-, 16-, and 32-bit microcontrollers, mainly in the areas of industrial automation, medical devices, consumer electronics, telecommunication and automotive products. IAR Systems has an extensive network of partners and cooperates with the world’s leading semiconductor vendors. IAR Systems Group AB is listed on NASDAQ OMX Stockholm. For more information, please visit

About Thingsquare

Thingsquare is the leading provider of open-source software for the Internet of Things. Founded in 2012 with the aim to simplify the Internet of Things, Thingsquare provides standards-based software to a wide range of customers developing applications for smart lighting, smart cities and smart buildings. For more information, visit

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 據說希特勒在全面攻擊俄國之前,曾經詳細的研究和分析拿破崙之所以攻俄失敗的種種原因,以避免重蹈覆轍,但是最終仍舊無法逃脫同樣戰敗的命運。可見不管人是自認為有多麼的天縱英明,以及實力有多麼的無比強大,舉世無匹,但只要是不依照戰勝成功的應有原則行事,就只好都同樣要面臨失敗崩潰的厄運。(本文節錄自《讓你少奮鬥十年的致勝兵法》,聯經,2012年6月8日出版 )

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IEI Launches Industrial SBC with Intel® HM61 Express Chipset for Various Cost-efficient Applications

IEI Technology Corp. (IEI), the global industrial PC innovator, announced the launch of the single board computers (SBCs) series featuring the Intel® H61 Express Chipset. Designed for scalability and cost optimization, the new SBC series with Intel® H61 Express Chipset and 2nd generation Intel® Core™ processor enables one DIMM per channel of DDR3 1333 MHz. The Intel® H61 series integrates Intel® HD Graphics technology to deliver high-performance graphics and media processing without a discrete graphics card. The key features include, but not limit to, TPM V1.2 hardware security support provided by the TPM module and dual-channel 1333 MHz DDR3 SDRAM DIMM supporting up to 16 GB memory.

The IMB-H610 is a Micro ATX motherboard supporting LGA1155 Intel® Core™ i7/i5/i3/Pentium®/Celeron® CPU with Intel® H61 chipset.  The IMB-H610 provides flexible expansion interfaces, including one PCIe x16 slot and three PCIe x1 slots. Extra frame grabber cards can be installed in the expansion slots to capture video images efficiently when applying the IMB-H610 in complex automation systems.  The IMB-H610 supports a wide range of I/O options including ten USB 2.0, five RS-232 ports, one RS-422/485 port, one PS/2 keyboard connector, one PS/2 mouse connector and four SATA 3Gb/s ports.

All of IEI Intel® H61 series SBC include IEI’s unique One Key Recovery software solution. This software eliminates the frustration of system recovery after an unexpected system failure. With a single click, One Key Recovery easily creates a full system backup on demand or recovers the system by restoring to a previously made backup.

Please visit or contact our sales representative via for more information.


About IEI Technology Corp. 

IEI Technology Corp. is a leading industrial computer provider. IEI provides products for computer-based applications such as factory automation, computer telephony integration, networking, security, IT systems, communication base stations, medical devices and kiosks,Panel pC , Embedded pc . IEI serves industries such as national defense, police administration and transportation. IEI continues to promote its own brand of products in addition to serving ODM vertical markets with complete and professional service.

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ITTIA Database Enables Accelerated Development in ARM Architecture Ecosystem

Bellevue, WA — ITTIA announces the availability of its embedded database for the ARM™architecture. ITTIA provides embedded relational database software for developers of applications for mobile devices and other embedded systems. With ITTIA DB SQL's robust data management framework and ARM's hardware architecture, data is managed and accessed in a flexible and efficient way. Customers from industries such as consumer electronics, clean energy, medical devices, and robotics have already built state of art applications with ITTIA DB SQL on ARM.

ITTIA customers have reflected great interest in developing ARM-based embedded applications and, in response to this demand, ITTIA has continuously demonstrated its commitment and ability in providing a lightweight, high-performance, relational database solution on ARM.

The combination of ITTIA DB SQL data management abilities with ARM's low-power chips offers a great solution to protect data integrity, organize information, and share or distribute data across embedded development ecosystems.

ITTIA DB SQL is an ideal candidate for embedded and mobile applications developers on ARMTM cores, including StrongARM, ARM7TDMI, ARM9TDMI, ARM7EJ, ARM9E, ARM10E, XScale, ARM11, ARM Cortex-M, ARM Cortex-A, ARM Cortex-M, and ARM Cortex-R.

For application developers looking to make a trade-off between the flexibility offered by the traditional relational data management model and a rapid time to market, ensured with low-power consumption, ITTIA DB SQL on ARM is an ideal, cost-effective solution.

A free copy of ITTIA DB SQL, for ARM is available for evaluation at:

Free Video to Learn About ITTIA DB SQL architecture and features in few minutes:

ITTIAEmbedded System offers database solutions for platforms where limited memory, storage, and processing power makes software development challenging. ITTIA develops fast, high performance database products and tools with the goal of providing excellent data management software for embedded systems and devices. ITTIA products are designed to be suitable for application development and deployment at a significantly reduced cost. ITTIA customers include GlaxoSmithKline, VNU, Boeing, Moodys, Sandia National Laboratory, Puget Sound Energy and others. You can obtain more information about ITTIA


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上週末剛結束第二梯次的亞瑟士42K夢想達成馬拉松訓練營,許績勝老師傳授了寶貴的知識,課程一開始就提到受傷的問題,如果有跑步傷痛,原因有3個:1. 跑步技術、跑姿有問題,2.跑步配備有問題,3. 身體的能力沒提昇。

其實,跑步不只要讓體能和技術提升,吸收知識也很重要,現在大家都在倡導「聰明訓練Smart Trianing」,許績勝老師在跑步生涯裡從來不受傷,他的祕訣就是:熱身1小時,收操不到1小時也有40分鐘,可見跑步常識有多重要。下面教練將會帶著助教國立台灣體育運動大學的選手蘇嘉涵和蘇鳳婷,幫大家示範跑姿和訓練技巧。











呼吸:以鼻子為主、嘴巴為輔,如果用嘴巴呼吸很容易口乾、口渴,路程中要喝很多水,自然順暢為原則。訣竅: 2呼、2吸是常見的呼吸方式,「很多人其實觀念是錯的,真正的方式是跑2步吸1口氣,跑2步吐1口氣。」許教練說。











★ 舉例:100公尺反覆跑,個人PB:20秒,用80%(20秒+20×0.2秒=24秒)速度跑。100公尺跑完後快走100公尺(30-60秒),10趟一組跑2-5組,每跑一組休息2-5分鐘,休息時心跳降到90-120。




1. 跨步走20公尺:



2. 仰臥起坐20次:



3. 跳繩100下。


4. 伏地挺身20次:










5. 俯臥躬身20次:




6. 提腿跑30秒:



7. 擺臂100次。

8. 波比操10次:4個步驟。













★ 目標堅定:一定要跑完全程。

★ 練多少跑多少:「不要像看到很久不見的好朋友一樣,一起跑就衝出去。」許教練說,這樣跑不完全程的喔!

★ 賽前3個小時吃完早餐,吃的東西選擇清淡不油膩不刺激性的食物(碳水化合物為主)。「我跑高雄馬拉松的時候,早上6點起跑,凌晨2點先起來吃早餐,在做休息,這是正確的。」許績勝說「我曾經在台北跑馬拉松,跑步前只吃吐司配甘蔗汁,跑到最後腳軟;也不要在比賽前喝柳橙汁,喝完柳橙汁胃會呈酸性的,可能跑到一半會吐。」

★ 適當的穿著、配備:易摩擦處塗抹凡士林、貼透氣防水OK繃…。

★ 中古比賽用鞋:剛講到比賽鞋和練習鞋分開,當然也不能穿全新的鞋子出去比賽,穿到9分新以下再去跑。

★ 綁鞋帶影片示範:

★ 取水重點:拿水杯時以食指、中指和大拇指抓水,拿到時杯口朝前,之後快速回正,喝水前把杯口壓扁,才不容易灑出去。

★ 最重要的一點:心情愉快,享受全程42K。


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