【中关村武汉笔记本行情】联想 Y480N IFI采用Ivy Bridge 22纳米制程的Ivy Bridge处理器是英特尔最新推出的CPU产品,全新的架构使得处理器的核心温度控制的更为出色,因而更适合大型游戏的需求。近日,第一款采用Ivy Bridge处理器的笔记本产品——联想IdeaPad Y480N IFI笔记本已经到货,搭载了22纳米工艺的酷睿i5-3210M处理器以及NVIDIAGeForce GT 650M 独立显卡2G显存,4G内存,1T硬盘。目前该机在田氏数码科技http://http://dealer.zol.com.cn/d_176240/的报价为5099元,十分优惠。喜欢的朋友要抓住机会。【联系人:田应波 联系电话:13986095286】

      联想IdeaPad Y480N IFI笔记本的顶盖以及键盘面全部采用了一次冲压成型的铝合金材质,配合阳极氧化金属拉丝工艺,不仅使机器更加坚固、耐磨,而且还提升了散热效果;银灰色的顶盖除了“Lenovo”的LOGO之外,还有独特的蚀刻纹路;此外,Y480系列取消了“小y”系列标志性的橙色腰线。

      联想IdeaPad Y480N IFI笔记本依然采用了JBL音箱,而在外观上采用斜切设计、更加的美观。音质方面一直是小y的强项,经过多次改进后的 JBL音箱在音质方面更加优秀,拥有杜比环绕立体声音效,可为用户提供影院级影音效果;在左音响附近有电源按键与一键拯救系统快捷键,而在右音响附近同样是两个功能快捷键,一个控制禁音,一个控制影音模式。   

  编辑点评:新上市的联想IdeaPad Y480N IFI笔记本搭载了22纳米工艺的酷睿i5-3210M处理器以及NVIDIA GeForce GT 650M 独立显卡,对于市面上主流的大型游戏都能轻松胜任。Y480在外观、细节设计上更加人性化,音响效果更加出色,性价比尚可。


  联 系 人:田应波



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The Microsoft Surface is more computer than tablet. If you favor keyboards, that's a good thing. But the Surface has a lot to offer touch screen fans as well.

Like a tablet, you tap and slide your fingers on the Surface touch screen to open apps and access settings. Like a PC, you can enter keystroke shortcuts on the Surface Touch Cover and Type Cover keyboards to reach those same programs and system options.

Get the best of both the tablet and computer worlds by using these handy screen gestures and keystroke combinations for the Surface. (Note that the tips were tested on a Windows RT Surface but should also work on a Windows 8 Pro tablet.)

Slide sideways to reveal open apps and 'charms'
The Windows RT Start screen will look familiar to any smartphone user. Some of the squares and rectangles representing programs and other resources are "live," showing news headlines, weather, and other information. Rearrange the squares by pressing, holding, and sliding to the desired location.

To view options for the shortcut, drag it toward the bottom of the screen and release to view options for unpinning the item, uninstalling it, changing the shortcut's size, and deactivating the tile. In the right corner of the bottom strip is a shortcut that opens all your apps.


Microsoft Surface Start screen options

Drag a tile to the bottom of the Surface Start screen to view options for unpinning, uninstalling, resizing, and deactivating the tile.

(Credit: Screenshot by Dennis O'Reilly/CNET)


Swipe up from the bottom of the screen or down from the top to access the shortcut to all your apps, which include the "preview" versions of Office 2013 Home and Student. Also listed among your programs are Paint, Notepad, Calculator, the Snipping Tool, and other Windows accessories. Among the system and accessibility apps are the Command Prompt, Task Manager, Windows Defender, Control Panel, and the renamed "File Explorer."

Five "charms" appear when you swipe from the screen's right edge inward: Search, Share, Start, Devices, and Settings. In the bottom-left corner of the window is a box with the time and date along with icons indicating network reception and battery life. These and other screen elements can be changed via the Personalize options: choose the Settings charm, press "Change PC settings," and select Personalize.

Swiping from the left edge inward cycles through your open programs, or swipe back and forth to view shortcuts to all your open apps. Open two programs side by side by dragging one near the middle of the screen and releasing. Then drag the divider to resize each of the two program windows.


Microsoft Surface side-by-side programs

Resize two apps open side by side by dragging the divider on the Surface screen.

(Credit: Screenshot by Dennis O'Reilly/CNET)


Note that the options available vary from program to program. For example, for Word 2013, options for opening a new window, opening a file location, and running as administrator are included along with the unpin and uninstall buttons.

The Microsoft Surface Support site provides a full description of the ways you can interact with the device's touch screen.

Open programs and files via keyboard shortcuts
The Surface Touch Cover and Type Cover attachable keyboards are a step up from the onscreen keyboards of the iPad and other tablets. Without a doubt the key I miss the most when I'm using a tablet is the Windows key. On the Surface, you can search for a program, setting, or file by pressing the Windows key and typing its name.

Your Windows key may get quite a workout on the Surface. For example, instead of swiping the right edge of the screen to open the charms sidebar, press the Windows key plus C. To open the charms themselves, press the Windows key plus F for search, H for share, I for settings, and K for devices.

It's easy to cycle through your open apps by swiping the left edge of the screen, but you can do the same by pressing the Windows key plus Tab. Press the Windows key plus Ctrl plus Tab to snap each program as they cycle. To lock Touch Panel PC the screen orientation in portrait or landscape, press the Windows key plus O. To see the commands available in the current app, press the Windows key plus Z.

Some Windows key chestnuts still work on the Surface: Windows key plus E opens File Explorer to the Computer folder; Windows key plus up arrow maximizes the current window; Windows key plus down arrow minimizes the window; Windows key plus left arrow maximizes the window to the left half of the screen; and Windows key plus right arrow does likewise on the right half of the screen.

Touch screens let you zoom in by stretching the screen with two or more fingers and zoom out by pinching the screen with your fingers. Press Ctrl and the plus (+) and minus (-) keys to zoom in and out from the keyboard. The Surface keyboards feature a touch pad and left- and right-mouse buttons, so you can select an item and press the right-click button to open its context menu.

A substitute for the missing Print Screen key
Another key that gets a lot of work on my keyboards is Print Screen, but the abbreviated Touch Cover keyboard that attaches to the Surface lacks that key. You can duplicate the Function keys -- such as F1 for help and F3 for search -- by pressing the Fn key plus the buttons along the top row starting with the four media keys and stretching to the PgUp and PgDn keys (not Esc on the far left or Del on the far right).

The workaround for the dropped Print Screen key is to press the volume-down key on the left side of the Surface while simultaneously pressing the device's home button, which sports the streamlined Windows icon. It required a few attempts to get the timing right to capture a screen rather than return to the Start screen and lower the volume. The screen dims for a split second to indicate that the image was captured.

By default, the image is stored as a PNG file in your Pictures folder and named "Screenshot (1)." Your second capture is named "Screenshot (2)" and creates a Screenshots folder inside Pictures for your captured images.

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Austria-based High Tech is now offering its TEC 4s control system for industrial PC retrofitting. Already delivered with new orders for extruders, the TEC 4s can now be ordered as a retrofit kit exclusively for High Tech Extrusion - Theysohn Extruders.

TEC 4s, developed in conjunction with Siemens, is an industrial PC optimised for heavy industrial conditions. The unit includes a 19" (48.3cm) touch screen and is fanless, making it maintenance-free. The communication between the TEC 4 and all drives, peripherals and downstream equipment works through the Profibus bus system. Remote maintenance can be achieved via the internet or intranet.


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細分網站贏利模式可分為: A.做資訊站廣告收入。 B。做搜索引擎競價排名收入。C。做游戲網站銷售裝備。 D。彩鈴彩信網站彩鈴下載收入跟SP分成。E.專業數據網站銷售專業數據。如:雙色球彩票網銷售彩票猜測數據;推薦股票網銷售推薦數據。F: 提供專業服務平臺向商家收取服務費。收取填值服務費。如阿里巴巴。G.電子商務。各種贏利模式結合SEO的運營并把人氣轉為人民幣的方式我將具體給大家講解。今天先給大家講解通過SEO成功運營電子商務網站創業。

電子商務: 電子商務主要有三種模式。




今天就是要給大家講最適合個人創業且我實踐成功的第三種電子商務模式:網上零售B2C模式.假如自己家鄉有好的產品或自己公司有生產好的產品,就可采用此種方式進行網上銷售。假如自己沒有產品,沒關系。你可以聯系你本地比較出名的產品廠家。進行網上銷售。比如云南普洱茶,就有很大的本地優勢。且通過SEO進行各大搜索排名宣傳。網站的人氣將很快上來。你將會有意想不到的交果。我運營的三七網www.cn-37.com; 結合我們云南文山三七特產的優勢。且結合SEO來運營。效果很好。還有the face shop 網。也是我運營的電子商務網中人氣和銷售比較好的網站之一。



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